Thursday, October 23, 2003


Mood: Contemplative
Weight: ???
Last ate: Herbal Tea

The following is a portion of a message on a Catholic Yahoo Group followed by my reply:

> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 14:54:18 -0000
> From: "Jon Peace" <******>
> Subject: Mixed Emotions on Florida Woman
> I have to say that I felt a little sad when I heard a feeding tube
> would be reinserted in the comatose Florida woman.
> I am certainly pro-life, and as such I am opposed to euthenasia.
> Abortion, euthenasia and the death penalty are instances where man
> oversteps his bounds, making life-and-death decisions that should be
> left to God.
> But in this case, we have a woman who would die naturally - and would
> have died naturally before modern technology came available to keep
> her alive. Now she can be kept alive.

I, too, am against abortion and the death penalty, though not for religious reasons. However, euthanasia is an entirely different scenario. In almost every instance of euthanasia the person is already being kept alive by artificial means, whether it is by machines or medicine. I do feel that a person has a right to decide that they do not want artificial means to keep them alive. If they are in pain and misery, how can we say, knowing that they are being kept alive through technology, that euthanasia is wrong? By forcing them to continue being on life support (again, either machine or medicine), you have taken away their freedom, and THAT is wrong.

Say, for instance, that we remove the fact that a person is terminally ill. Let's go further and say someone simply has the flu. They go to the doctor and get medicine, but at some point they decide they don't want to take it. Imagine, then, if they were FORCED to take it. Is this a good thing? I think not, and I don't think anyone else can say that it is.

I, for one, have chosen to limit the amount of modern medical care that I receive. This is my right. No one can take that away from me for any reason, no matter what my circumstances may be.


Greg Short


Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Elliot Smith

Mood: Even More Sad

Elliot Smith is dead.

Why is it I don't consider buying albums of these people until they're dead?


Kelly & Hrudey

Mood: Sad
Weight: 160
Last ate: Slim-Fast Crispy Peanut Caramel Snack Bar

I buried Kelly and Hrudey. It didn't seem right to flush them down the toilet.


Tuesday, October 21, 2003


Mood: Exhausted
Last ate: Baked Lasagna at The Old Spaghetti Factory

I am thoroughly exhausted! I did so much walking today that I don't even feel guilty about the donut I had shortly before arriving at Joey's this afternoon. The heat was overwhelming. Yes, heat in October. This is California after all. Really, though, I don't remember having such a hot day this late in the year. I really despise the summer.

Anyway, Bella and I had an excellent 15th Monthiversary dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory. I couldn't even finish my food. What Bella ordered was even better than what I ordered. I'm too tired to remember what it was called....

Oh, oh, oh, I love, love, love my beautiful, beautiful Bella! I have to say that one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my life is Bella staring lovingly across the table at me, especially at TOSF.


15th Monthiversary!

Mood: Elated
Weight: 160
Last ate: Slim-Fast Rich Chocolate Shake

Today Bella and I are celebrating our 15th Monthiversary! Yippee!!! I am so happy. Every day I ask myself how I got so lucky. But maybe I shouldn't question it. We fit so well, we compliment each other... we just plain fit! I love her, I love her, I love her. I can't possibly say it enough.

Before I go over to Bella's, I will be going to visit my friend, Joey. He usually comes over to my house, but he's so busy with school and work (tutoring), I figured it might be easier for him if I go over to his house.

I have to get busy with work. I will have to leave around 2:30, so it's important that I be productive this morning. Here I go....


Monday, October 20, 2003

Kelly & Hrudey, R.I.P.

Mood: Sad
Weight: 160
Last ate: Kettle Corn

It is now confirmed: Kelly and Hrudey did not survive their trip. With this heat wave we've been having, they just boiled to death. Sad, very sad. I called Uncle Milton about it, and they will be sending two more in a couple weeks. I was torn as to whether or not I should ask for replacement tadpoles as I hate the idea of putting more little tadpoles in such danger. But we'll see how it goes. I am going to wait until I am sure the new ones are going to live before I bother naming them this time. Any name suggestions?

Bella came over for a little dinner. She tends to get the blues on Mondays. But spending time with me seemed to help a little bit. I just wish there was more I could do.

Tomorrow we will be celebrating our 15th Monthiversary. I invited Bella out for dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, either Pietro's or Spaghetti Factory. The latter would be better for our diets, but Pietro's is closer to Bella's house. And after a long day she might not feel like driving out to Spaghetti Factory. At any rate, we both are looking forward to it.

Well, I have to get a little work done before I can go to bed. I don't know how productive I will be as I am already pretty sleepy. I might be better off waiting until tomorrow....


Sunday, October 19, 2003


Mood: Happy
Weight: 159
Last ate: Malt-o-Meal

I've finally broken the 160 pound barrier! To reward myself, I am considering making Sundays a "free day" with no calorie counting. :) However, I still plan to eat sensibly, such as my breakfast this morning. (I stuck to ONE serving of Malt-o-Meal this time....)

As we were eating the usual Saturday night burgers at Bella's, when she kept dipping her hand in for more chips I had the urge to suggest she stop. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. I guess in the back of my mind I have all those men that drive their wives/girlfriends to anorexia. I know Bella would want me to say something, but I couldn't. I'll have to work on this as chips are definitely one of her biggest downfalls. Of course, as you know, I say all this thinking she is perfect the way she is. She is the one that expressed a need for help from me to stick to her diet. (Just so people don't think it was my idea for her to go on a diet.)

Last night, after eating, we went over to my sister's house. My brother, Eric, and his friend, Vito (sp?), came over a little later. We all watched home movies. It was really sad, seeing how our family used to work as a unit. It seems very foreign, now.

Unfortunately, Bella doesn't handle shaking cameras too well (such as in Blair Witch Project or my home movies), so after a few hours of watching them, she was feeling a bit ill. She was sweating bullets and complained of feeling very warm. Even on the brisk car ride home she was still sweating. I detected through our goodnight kiss that she may have even been feeling nauseous. (Oops! People don't know we kiss. j/k) I hope she's feeling better.

Oh, Kelly and Hrudey arrived, but of course it was hot yesterday, so I don't know if they survived. The instructions that came with them explained that they may look dead when they arrive, but it is most likely just "shipment shock". It said to allow 24 hours for them to recover, but it doesn't look good. Fortunately, there was guaranteed live delivery. But it's really kind of sad. I don't know if I want to put more little tadpoles through that horrible journey. (I could just BUY a grown leopard frog, but where's the fun in that?!?)

Well, I have to get dressed for church and run to catch my bus!