Friday, January 16, 2004

The (Not So) Greatest Adventure

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Follow me on the way home from picking up my glasses! Woohoo! Unfortunately, the trip was so exhausting, I wasn't making much sense in the audio post.

I'll post a better description of the adventure after I rest for a while....

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Disgusted... Again

Mood: Disgusted
Last ate: Two Veggie Corndogs with Barbecue Ranch Dressing (Mmmm....)

I usually refrain from political commentary, but this is just ridiculous: Bush intends to spend $1.5 billion of taxpayer money to offer marriage counseling for "traditional" marriages, hoping to put an end to same-sex marriage. According to the poll on AOL, nearly 70% of the people polled felt it would not help. However, only a little over 50% think same-sex marriage should be legal. (Unfortunately, I don't have a link for this story, as I couldn't find a link to it outside of AOL.)

I, for one, am for same-sex marriage, though with some reservations. My main concern is that these same-sex couples will want to raise children. A same-sex marriage is far from the best environment for a child. Some would argue that even most traditional marriages are not ideal for a child (i.e. abuse, neglect, etc.). I see that as a valid point, however, I feel a traditional marriage at least has the opportunity to be an ideal situation for child-rearing. A child raised by a same-sex couple is sure to face ridicule, not to mention the Freudian effects of not having a male and female role-model. (I am a big believer in Freud's theory that father and mother figures are both extremely important to the formation of a healthy human being.)

Also, when discussing same-sex couples raising children, it is generally assumed that the same-sex couple is an ideal one. But in reality, a same-sex marriage has just as much potential to be prone to abuse, neglect, etc.

These points aside, I would never say that a same-sex couple should not be allowed to raise a child. I just think it is important for said couples to be especially cautious and even more well-prepared than a traditional couple.

Meanwhile, on to something else....

Windows Media Player 9 does indeed have a Windows 98-compatible version. I am in the process of downloading it, so legit downloading shall ensue....


Greg, a Poet? Maybe....

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The more I read the poem I wrote in the previous post, the more I liked the sound of it, so I went ahead and made an audio post of it. As it turns out, this is by far my best audio post!


Mood: Disgusted
Last ate: Cup of Milk
Word: Vetchling

I'm disgusted. Disgusted because Windows 98 is finally being phased out. Out with 98, in with XP. The reason that I know this is because I had fully intended to "go legit" with my music downloads, but upon visiting iTunes, Walmart Music Downloads and the all-new Napster, they all tell me I need to upgrade. Okay, so WMD actually told me I needed Windows Media Player 9, but when I went to upgrade, it recommended the highest version of the Media Player for my operating system as version 7.1! I may go ahead and force it to download version 9 and see what happens.

Now, the question is, have they just not gotten around to making Windows 98 versions, or are they going to just forget about us? Don't they know that the majority of people still use Win 98?!? Anyway, so much for going legit....

While eating dinner with Bella last night, somehow I managed to say something like: "What if every tastebud on your tongue was a letter?" Bella, being the fantastic poet that she is, said something to the effect of: "Mind if I steal that?" but added, "No, I can't; it's too good." I hope she will steal it any way, as she can do a lot more with it than I can. Maybe if I write a really bad poem using that concept, she will see that she and she alone is the one to use it.

As I kissed her, I felt the letters
        forming on her tongue,
formed from the thousands of tiny mounds
        that used to taste the honey of life.
Now, no longer sensitive to life's sweets and sours,
        she can only wait.
She waits patiently for the letters to form clusters,
        each letter vying for it's proper place.
        she spits out words.

I swallow her words in great gulps,
        nearly gagging on their sheer verbosity.
The word
explicate catches in my throat,
        just long enough to make me wonder:
Will her words
        be the death of me?

Okay, that wasn't all bad, but Bella can certainly do better. (The last line of the first stanza, by the way, is an inside joke.)

Time to eat then get started on some hardcore work....


Note to Myself

Remember to watch THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT.


Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Home Again

Mood: Tired
Last ate: Pasta Casserole (made by Bella!), Green Beans with Almonds, Salad and a Sweet Roll
Word: Callipygian

So I'm home. Something tells me Bella is going to forget that a long time ago I mentioned the last bus drops me off at the Galleria and I proceed to walk home from there. (I walked home from the Galleria--a little over three miles--all the time when I worked at the Game Keeper.) I may get smacked for it. Bella, like me, is a worry wort. Honestly, I need the exercise.

The plan tomorrow is to call AppleOne about that job again and inform them I would be willing to take other types of assignments, as well. (I just need a job!) I really must get some sales emails sent out. I need to get some major editing done on this first manuscript, as the other writer I was talking to about editing will be taking me up on my offer. So I need to spend at least several hours editing.

Thursday, if I don't have an interview or job lined up in the foreseeable future, I will go ahead and register for that class. I would just hate to register for it and then get a job that interferes with my attending classes. Not so much for the classes, but for the money that Bella loaned me. Although, certainly, a job is more important right now. (I still cringe at the thought of "throwing away" $95.)

Well, I need to have a little snack and something warm to drink before going to bed.



Walk with Me

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On the way home from Bella's, I made this moderately informative, highly amusing audio post. Spend a few minutes with me on the walk from the bus stop. I discovered I have a hard time thinking, talking and walking at the same time....

Delicate Balance of a Mustache

So it has been brought to my attention that there is a delicate balance of just how one should sport a mustache. Coppers are encouraged--with a 65 cents per month raise--to carefully wear a mustache to look authoritative but not mean.


Out of the Blue

Mood: Excited
Last ate: Peanut Butter & Honey Sandwich

First of all, let me just say, though it is not the cause of my excitement, the fact that I can eat honey again is pretty darn exciting to me. Most of you probably don't know that yours truly USED to have some sort of allergic reaction to honey. (My throat would get this tightening feeling whenever I would eat honey or products made with honey.) Longing for a peanut butter and honey sandwich, a childhood favorite, I decided to give it a go the other day. No problem whatsoever! Woohoo! So, for breakfast this morning, I had another one. Mmmm....

Though you can all see how exciting that would be for anyone, my excitement comes from a call I got yesterday. AppleOne (the employment agency I had signed off as never calling me again after I had to turn down that interview due to transportation issues) called with a possible interview. The pay for this one would be much higher and it sounds like it is closer. Whether or not I get this interview/job, I intend to stay in contact with AppleOne. Their setup really impresses me.

Yesterday, Eric took me to get my glasses. Though I won't have them for 5-7 days, I am pretty excited about it. For the first time in my life, I won't have cheap, ugly, welfare glasses!!! WOOHOO! I only wish Bella could have been there to help me select the frames. But Eric and his friend, Vito, gave me their input. I think they will rock. (I'll have to post a pic as soon as I get them.) When I have a little money, I will get a nice case to replace the cheap one they will undoubtedly give me.

Things really seem to be coming together for me. Sometimes life is truly exciting.

Well, I'm off to fool around on Quark Xpress, so if I get the interview I can claim to at least be familiar with it....


Monday, January 12, 2004

Still Here

Mood: Frustrated

So the plan was to go register for that class. I deposited the money for it last night, and the deposit is still pending. I will have to wait for the deposit to go through before I can register. That SHOULD be tomorrow. At any rate, if I register any time this week, classes start next week. So there's no real deadline or anything.

In the meantime, I will get some sales emails sent out, and tonight my brother, Eric, is going to take me for an eye exam.

I'm a bit disappointed that I haven't had any responses to those sales letters I mailed out last week. But the deadline for the special offer is the 16th, so there's still time. If I could just get ONE order, I would be happy. Anything above and beyond that will be fantastic....

I am going to be contacting St. Catherine's of Alexandria about designing and hosting their web site. Father David mentioned yesterday that they would like a church member to assist them with their web page. Though this suggests that pay wouldn't be involved, I am going to see if I can at least get some ad space in the church bulletin. If all else fails, I can just place an ad prominently on the site.

I have gotten back into freelance editing. I already have one writer that I am working with, and I have another writer that is very interested. I have opted to discontinue any pursuit of a career as a literary agent so I can start editing again. (I did freelance editing years ago and stopped when I moved to Illinois.) Though I don't see making a full-time income as an editor, it will provide me with some extra cash.

Well, I'm going to go hop in the shower, after which I will sit down and start sending out sales emails.

Oh, and I promise: NO MORE POSTS TODAY! ;)


An Audio Post for the Sake of an Audio Post

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Okay, so this was a lame audio post. But I am excited about being able to post journal entries "on the road". Listen to this for a good laugh....

Oh, Greg, why do you do this to yourself?!?

Steve, Steve, Steve....

Oh, man... what was the Crocodile Hunter thinking?!? Do we have another Michael Jackson on our hands? (Remember the Michael-Jackson-Dangling-Son-From-Window incident?)


Crane Game, Anyone?

You know what I'm talking about: those crane games where you put in a buck and get a chance to win a stuffed toy by grabbing said toy with a three-pronged crane. I've always wanted to play one, but never had the guts. Really, I always thought I'd be better off just buying a stuffed toy; I'd probably save money that way. But this boy had a better idea... or did he?!?

In other news.... This story reminds me of that song that goes something like: "Reunited and it feels so good."

Tomorrow I will be registering for that class I've been talking about. I will also do a little "pounding the pavement" while I'm out and about. I better get some shut eye....