Friday, February 27, 2004


Mood: freshly showered

I stayed home from school today to work on a couple of logos. The first, after having spent 6.5 hours on it, turned out beautifully: logo

This logo design deal had been sold on eBay, so let's just say I earned the equivalent of less then minimum wage. But this was a fun logo to design, and I got to use a lot of what I have learned in school so far. (It was created entirely with Adobe Illustrator.)

I'm having a hard time with the concept for the other logo. What the client described would make for a busy logo. But I need to come up with something quick... the design is already past due!

In NHL 2001, my Minnesota Wild ended up 3rd in the Western Conference, and I have the top three goal scorers. This after being stuck in 10th place (you have to be in 8th place to make it to the Stanley Cup Playoffs) for what seemed like two-thirds of the season. It was very exciting! Now, we'll see how I fare in the Playoffs. In the first round I'll be facing the Edmonton Oilers, a team with which I had suprising trouble in the regular season.

Bella should be here with the next couple hours. YIPPEE!!! I need to see what I can get done before then. For work, that is; not NHL 2001! ;)


Wednesday, February 25, 2004

This Weather is For the Birds!

Mood: doing laundry
Last ate: vegetarian chili beans and rice
Word: Flibbertigibbet (hint: Bella)

(Before you all send me hate mail about what a perfectly wretched boyfriend I am, please know that it was Bella herself that suggested she was a flibbertigibbet.)

Yep, this weather is for the birds, apparently. All day has been a great day for casual birding. (I usually don't have time for any other kind of birding; instead, I enjoy watching birds as I'm out and about doing other things.)

Waiting for the bus this morning, I saw what I believe to be an American Kestrel (formerly known as a Sparrow Hawk). It flew out of a tall palm tree, soared briefly, then perched atop a telephone pole. I identified it as a male, not by it's telltale blue-grey wings, but instead by what it did next: he dove off the pole, caught an updraft which carried him up to another palm tree, and he landed, not on the tree, but on his mate's back. He did his thing as he clucked away. (Not like a chicken, mind you, but that's the best way I can describe it.) Satisfied, he dove from his mate, caught another updraft, and perched on a flag pole. I could see him smiling contentedly from where I stood across the street.

This afternoon, walking to the Stater Bros. near my school, I caught sight of what I suspect was a Red-Tailed Hawk. (It's possible it was a Red-Shouldered Hawk, but Red-Tails are more common.) It was raiding nests high up in palm trees, disturbing nesting parents to chase them through the air. It didn't seem to be very successful, and after several attempts, it gave up and flew off with another hawk. The birds in the neighborhood--crows, starlings, sparrows--were doing their best to scare the hawks, with little success. The crows made the most racket, and even dared to chase the hawks, albeit half-heartedly.

Also, seagulls were out in abundance, probably enjoying the overcast weather. One flew over me as I was eating lunch and it dawned on me: that bird is a living, breathing, thinking creature. I wished I could ask him how to fly. Maybe... one of these days... I will!


Tuesday, February 24, 2004


Mood: Deviously Creative

I am having problems withdrawing money from my PayPal account. So, on the way home from school, I came up with an excellent idea as to how I can get my money in a roundabout way, and even save a little money in the process. How, you ask? Well, I'll tell you... gift cards on eBay! As a test, I found and won a $25 Kmart Gift Card for $21.50. I could even go a step further and advertise the gift card in the newspaper (for free, of course), ask for $22.00 for it, and end up with a small profit... and, more importantly, cash! But I may just keep it to use on something practical, like food or clothing.

Next, I need to see if I can get a Virgin Mobile Top-Up card at a discount....


Monday, February 23, 2004

Change in Schedule

Mood: Busy

It seems I am always busiest on Mondays, so I decided to call my teacher and switch my days to Tuesday-Friday from Monday-Thursday. What prompted the change is that I need to make an emergency visit to the bank, not to mention a ton of other things I need to do, and didn't want to call and say I couldn't come in... yet again.

So after a little breakfast (some Malt-o-Meal), I will go to the bank. Then, when I get home, I need to:
  • send out sales emails

  • get some editing done

  • work on a logo for a customer

  • do some editing

  • fill out the applications I picked up the other day
I doubt I will have time to turn the applications in today. Maybe tomorrow after school.

Well, I need to get going. But first:

Did you know I absolutely ADORE Bella? It's true. There has never been anything more true, in fact. I love her....