Saturday, March 20, 2004

Work on a Saturday? Sure!

Mood: impressed with myself

I had to design a logo this morning for a client, and I am rather impressed with how it turned out:

Blue Heron Design Group logo

Of course, I thoroughly enjoy doing logos with birds in them. This one was especially fun as I used a technique from my graphic design class. Oh, that's not clip art. I drew it based on a pic I found doing an image search at Google.

I really need to update my business web site with all of these new logos I've done in Illustrator.

Max & Frida the Parakeets News
Well, I think Max and Frida abandoned the idea of mating. If that's the case, I may get another bird. I need to see if it's better to have more males or more females in a single cage. I don't want there to be any fighting.

Pip the Tadpole News
Pip appears to have a tiny, tiny leg forming. Yes, leg, as in singular. I just hope he doesn't become one of those severely deformed frogs that are so common. Sad....

Thursday, March 18, 2004


no... more... radio...!

still... no... Duran... Duran...!

What are the Odds?

Mood: Anxious
Listening to: No Doubt's "It's My Life"
Last ate: Oatmeal made with Chamomile Tea

Since I'm still sick (though feeling much better) and stayed home from school today, Bella gave me homework: I'm supposed to listen to Star 98.7 and when I hear two Duran Duran songs back-to-back, I have to call in and be the 98th caller. This will win us a trip to London (AWESOME!) and VIP tickets to the Duran Duran concert (I can live with that). Having started my assignment at 7:30am, I am still listening for the back-to-back songs. Meanwhile, I've just heard No Doubt's cover of "It's My Life" for the third time, not to mention the other No Doubt song they played0 or the Moby song featuring Gwen Stefani! Egads! Can I possibly take this much more?

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

StrongBad Email #100!

Mood: sick

Thanks to Wil Wheaton for finding and posting a link to StrongBad's 100th Email. Or is it?

Anyway, I needed a laugh. Feeling poopy....

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

My Sister Goes Clubbin'

Mood: so ready for bed

My sister, Connie, went clubbin' in Hollywood on Saturday. She was first in line for the opening night of Planet Earth, so she got the VIP treatment. As a result, she gets in for free from now on. She met Richard Blade from Star 98.7, as well as John Easdale of Dramarama. In case you can't tell from my name dropping, it was 80's night. Connie is BIG into the 80's....

I'm going to have to send Planet Earth an email. Their web site sucks. They need me.

Good night!

Monday, March 15, 2004

Digital Art

Mood: artistic
Last ate: two pb & j sandwiches

Thanks to Buzznet, I now have a photolog of my digital artwork. I will post new images as they are completed. Thumbnails of the images can be viewed in the new Digital Art section of this site.

I am very happy with my latest (first?) piece, "The Hunter Hunted". (Please click the link to view it and leave your comments.) This was made completely in Photoshop using many of the techniques I have learned so far in my graphic design class. Though the final image is fairly simple, some complex editing had to be done to achieve the effect. For example, a lady and a dog were next to the man, and they had to be removed. To avoid confusion and boredom, I won't get into the details of it, but it was a bit tricky.

I am very excited about doing digital art. It's a blast, and it serves as yet another means of my creative expression.

But now, time for work!