Thursday, August 19, 2004

Evidence of Eating

Mood: happy

Not only am I happy because I have tomorrow off and it's payday, but there appears to be evidence that Pip has indeed been eating the fruit flies. Two pieces of evidence, to be precise, for at the bottom of the water one can witness what appears to be two little... droppings. I stood and watched him after putting a new batch of flies in his aquarium. As I marvelled at the little miracle that is Pip, I thought I saw him lunge at a fruit fly. I think he may have gotten it, if that was what he was doing. He seemed content for a little while until he repeated the lunge in a different direction, presumably catching another fly. (This morning's batch was a bit lean, so I suspect he was really hungry.)

Though I am finding Pip incredibly interesting and amusing, I can't stop thinking about that Bearded Dragon. It was so amazing holding a lizard that wasn't struggling in the least, and had no desire to bite. Though they look a bit scary at first, I think they are a really beautiful creature, with a temperament not entirely unlike my own.

Before the temptation of a Bearded Dragon, I was considering getting a small aquarium of fish. Though I may stick with the original plan, it certainly is tempting to do otherwise. There's nothing like a pet that you can actually hold and with which you can interact. Plus, a Bearded Dragon would essentially have the same diet as Pip, and even Ibby could share some of their food.

Hmmm.... Now there I go talking myself into it! Egads.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004


Maybe it's because I didn't really tell anyone, but I have received hardly any emails since I switched to theegg @ gmail . com quite some time ago. If you happen upon this post, please update your address books. If you don't happen upon this post, you probably don't have much to say to me, anyway. Nyah nyah!

Petco to the Rescue

Mood: relieved

My "trap" to catch fruit flies yielded exactly two fruit flies. So I decided, just for the hell of it, to call a couple other pet shops. Elliot's could special order them, but that wouldn't help me now. Then I called Petco thinking there was no way: 1) they would even know what a flightless fruit fly was, and 2) if they had any. But for once they came through for me. (Back when I was shopping around for budgies, they showed how little they knew about birds, and Bella and I have always used Petco as a last resort ever since.) They had a small jar of them for $4.99! A buck cheaper then the small jar that they didn't have at Strickly Reptiles. PLus, the girl in the reptile room let me hold a Bearded Dragon. I asked her if it was a good starter lizard, and she confirmed her knowledge, for I already knew the answer. She said they make an excellent first lizard because they rarely bite. I could totally see myself getting one, but I think I'll have to wait to get it as a "replacement" pet. I'm starting to have a bit of a zoo as it is.

The few flies I put in with Pip last night were gone this morning, so I'm hoping he ate them. I dumped several more in this morning. Those little suckers may be flightless, but they sure can jump! I'm improving at getting them in the aquarium rather than all over my hand. I'm going to go check on Pip's progress now.

Oh, the (possibly) counterfeit Traveler's Check is weighing heavily on my mind. I actually feel a bit sick, just thinking of it.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Poor Hungry Pip

Mood: frustrated and misanthropic

As I mentioned this morning, after work I walked over to Strickly Reptiles to get some flightless fruit flies for Pip. Well, they told me over the phone that it would be $5.99, and when I got there they only had the larger size for $11.99! I didn't have enough cash, so I left empty handed. My task now is to catch regular fruit flies here at home. I've set up a container outside with a banana stem in it, in the hopes to lure some fruit flies. I will then quickly put the lid on to catch them. Isn't this ironic? Why just a couple of weeks ago there were hundreds of them in the house! Talk about poor timing....

Feeling rather misanthropic as I suspect I took a counterfeit Traveller's Check today. I hope I'm wrong. We'll find out when I take the deposit tomorrow. I'm dreading it. I feel like such a fool. God I hope I'm wrong.

I think I'll have Bella cut my hair tonight. When I'm in a bad mood, a haircut always seems to have a cleansing effect. If I do it myself, I will be too tempted to just shave it all off....

More Pip News

Mood: excited

Yesterday after work, I checked on Pip and couldn't see him in the water. That's because he wasn't in the water! Yes, Pip is a little frog now, finally. So now he will be hungry for fruit flies. I was told I could buy some flightless fruit flies at Strickly Reptiles after 2PM. So I will head over there after work. Well, I gotta go. Just thought I would update....

Sunday, August 15, 2004

It's Oh So Quiet

Mood: relaxed

Sweetums napping. Me downloading music from the blessed Russians. The Residents, then Art of Noise. Next? Who knows!