Saturday, March 06, 2004

I Hate Yahoo Stores!

Mood: Eager to see Bella
Listening to: Silence End's "My Last"
Last ate: Cup Noodles and diet cola

I am adding items to a Yahoo store for a customer, and I hate the interface. Plus, either the customer or someone that was working for the customer set up part of the site in a very confusing way. I spent entirely too much time trying to figure it out, and finally ended up emailing the client. Well, there's no way the additions will be completed this weekend, as the customer wanted. But it's only partly my fault.

I decided I don't do enough updates on my pets, not to mention Bella, so I've given each one their own section in each entry.

Bella News
Sad. I feel for Bella. I just read her blog and she was stating that two-day weekends just aren't enough. I am starting to know how she feels, as I actually don't like going to school on Mondays. (That's one reason I changed my schedule, but I have to go this Monday to make up for yesterday.)

She's actually getting very close to the end of her classes, which will lighten her load... a little. I'm sure she will still be very busy. She works so hard, yet it seems I'm the only one who notices! It makes me mad....

Stella the Cat News
Stella is enjoying this warming trend we've been having. She's even been staying out at night. (During the winter she sleeps in the house.) She's also getting finicky with her food. Maybe she's not feeling well? We'll see....

Ibby the Starling News
Ibby's toe nails (I prefer that to "claws") were atrociously long! I had to trim them. Fortunately, Ibby doesn't try to eat the nail clippers any more. I'm always nervous trimming his nails; I'm afraid I may cut them too short and that they would start to bleed. I would freak out if that happened....

Max & Frida the Parakeets News
I haven't been letting Max and Frida out of their cage lately. Max has been showing some sort of problem that he only experiences after flying for a while. He'll land on this lamp and squat down, taking his weight off of one foot, and it looks like he might fall! It's really scary. The last time, I put my hand in front of him and he gingerly walked onto it. He must have known I was trying to help him, poor thing! (He's never done that before.) After a few minutes, he goes back to normal. Otherwise, in his cage, he seems fine all the time. I wonder if it has something to do with his breathing? I am keeping a close eye on him....

Pip the Tadpole News
Pip is depressed. He misses Pipi. I can see the pain in his face.

Friday, March 05, 2004

Behind on Work

Yet again, I had to cancel school to catch up on work. This really makes me look bad, but work has to be the priority. I told my teacher that I will come in on Monday to make up for today. I may even go in at 7:30 instead of 9:30. We'll see, though; I haven't been sleeping well as it is....


Pipi the Tadpole, R.I.P.

Mood: Sad

I had been concerned about Pipi for some time. (S)he was spending a lot of time on h(er/is) back, though apparently alive. However, I noticed (s)he hadn't moved in the past couple days, so I isolated h(er/im) in one of the little jars that Pip and Pipi came in. After another day of no movement, I declared Pipi dead. The Porcelain Gods have taken Pippi to a better place.... Pipi is survived by Pip.


Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Ack! AOL Problems... Again!

Mood: Disgusted

I've been having problems with the AOL software... again! First, I never did get the new version 9.0 to work. And now, version 8.0a keeps crashing. I woke up disgusted with it and was going to try to uninstall it and reinstall version 8.0 (which didn't crash nearly as much), but the uninstall software didn't even recognize that a version of their own software was installed! How ridiculous is that?!? So instead, I installed a copy of version 8.0a over itself, reasoning that if I installed a different version, I would probably be in a real mess. So far, it's working smoothly. But we'll see if it's still crash-free in the next few days.

Oh, I had forgotten about my Google ad campaign, which they charged me for yesterday. That sapped a big chunk of money out of my account. Damn.

My Happiness Fund needs your money now more than ever! Hehe....


Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Money is Good... Sometimes!

Mood: Ecstatic

God, it feels good to have money again! I will be adding money to my Happiness Fund (i.e. my savings account for my future with Bella), and I opened an interest-bearing checking account with NetBank. The latter was partly to get away from Bank of America and partly to verify my PayPal account. PayPal tells me NetBank can't be used for verification, but I can use it to make withdrawals from my PayPal account. So that's fine with me!

Well, I want to leave early for school today so I can get a little breakfast at La Sierra Natural Foods. Sheesh! I haven't done that in ages....


Monday, March 01, 2004

Shameless Begging

I am now actively seeking donations for the betterment of my happiness! Oh yeah, and anything you donate will go into the savings account I set up for my future with Bella....


Sorry, I couldn't resist.



Mood: Satisfied
Last ate: "fruit on the bottom" blueberry yogurt (just like when I was a kid!)

So I have been shopping around on eBay, now that my PayPal account is partially fixed. I did end up nabbing a $30 Virgin Mobile Top-Up Card for $26.99. (The seller topped up my phone for me already, so I can use my cell phone again.) I also won a pair of dress slacks for $5 plus $4.25 shipping and handling. I treated myself to a DVD for $7.50, and stole a CD for a penny (plus $2.95 shipping). I may try to get another gift card, as well, but there aren't any good ones listed right now.

Now, I need to give my neck a quick trim (the hair on my neck is disgustingly long), take a brief shower, then sit down to get some work done.

Oh yeah, tomorrow, with any luck, I should have CASH again....