Mood: excited/worried
Well, tomorrow is the day! Bella and I are going on a mini-vacation to San Diego. I am excited about the trip, but I am also very worried about the birds, in particular. Well, mainly Ibby. I know Pip the Tadpole and Stella the Cat will be fine; it's easy enough to stock up on food for them. But the birds are another story, especially Ibby. However, I think I've come up with a system that will work, giving Ibby dry food instead of wet. And a huge bowl of water. For the budgies, I may spread extra seed in the bottom of the cage, and they don't go through water very quickly. So my mind is more at ease, but you better believe I will still be worried. They're my babies!!!
I would entrust them to Gran, but she has so much to do already. Not to mention she is getting very forgetful. (For her age, she's doing quite well, though!)
Bella and I will be going to church tonight instead of tomorrow, so we can leave for SD in the (late) morning. As a result, we will be taking Bella's niece and nephew with us to church, which will be a bit odd. First of all, we'll have to sit in the cry room--I mean, the family chapel. Secondly, and most importantly, the kids aren't being raised as Catholics. But I guess their parents have no problem with them going to another church. I assume they are aware of the situation. Anyway, it's not my problem, if it's a problem at all.
I haven't heard back from the guy at about the sample review I sent. I think it was a kick-ass review, so maybe he just hasn't checked his email yet. (I can never comprehend someone not checking their email at least once a day, but not everyone lives on the Internet like me!)
I've come up with a bold new plan for my business. I am going to be taking it in a different direction. First, I want it to appear more like an actual business, rather than just a freelancer. Second, I will be once again emphasizing web design over just logo design. (The average sale is much higher than that for logo design, and the potential is much greater.) Finally, I will be setting it up in such a way that I can have independent sales people gather leads for me, then I just have to close the deals and do the actual work. With all this, I will be raising my rates to a more industry-standard level, to allow for commissions for the sales team, as well as a greater profit for me. My business has been essentially stuck on the same level since I started it in 2000, and with the prospect of getting married, I really need to push it into high gear. Then I will be in a better position to see if it is actually worth my time to continue the business, or just concentrate on working for someone else.
I'm starving for some oatmeal, so I will stop here. Or maybe HERE.
Okay, here.