Monday, December 29, 2003

Christmas Presents & The New Year

Mood: Content
Weight: 161
Last ate: Coffee with Eggnog

So here's a rundown of what I got for Christmas:

  • NHL 2003 - It barely runs on my computer, but then I knew that when I asked for it.

  • THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD on DVD - This was a BIG surprise! I love this movie, which is about one of my favorite authors, Robert E. Howard, creator of Conan.

  • Johnny Cash's AMERICAN RECORDINGS - Though this doesn't compare to Cash's AMERICAN IV: THE MAN COMES AROUND, it still has some great songs.

  • Johnny Cash's HURT on DVD - I was hoping this was more than just the video, but it is a fantastic video.

  • Christmas Dinner - I think this was the best Christmas dinner... ever! Beautifully-seasoned cornish hens, creamy mashed potatos, perfectly moist stuffing... and PECAN PIE, my Christmas favorite.

  • HEAT on DVD - One of my Top 50 movies, this has a powerful scene between two of my favorite actors, Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino.

  • RED DAWN on DVD - I've loved this movie since I was a kid. It's possibly Patrick Swayze's only good role.

Eric & Vito
  • CAREERS - This board game turned out to be a big hit on Christmas! It's now one of my favorite board games.

  • Gift Certificate - A very generous gift certificate to one of my favorite restaurants, Norm's.

  • Money - I actually needed this gift most of all! :)

Bella's Family
  • Tea Pot/Infuser with Warmer - No more cold tea!

  • Shirt - A really nice polo-type shirt that I can wear to church.

  • Socks - I seem to always be in need of new socks.

  • Calendar - The annual Press Enterprise Calendar, with some beautiful photos, will go on my office wall.

  • T-Shirt - I had wanted A CHRISTMAS STORY/"You'll Shoot Your Eye Out" t-shirt as soon as I had seen it. Bella, of course, picked the perfect one. I LOVE IT and may have to wear it year-round....

  • Oven Mitt & Potholder - We had been eyeing these herb-print mitt and potholder for some time. Bella doesn't want me burning myself any more. :)

  • Cologne - My favorite cologne, Raw Vanilla, can no longer be found in stores, so Bella found it online for me!

  • Hockey Tickets - Two tickets to a Kings vs. Ducks hockey game! This was without a doubt the biggest surprise of this Christmas. My jaw literally dropped when I opened this gift.

  • Hand-Painted Mug - Bella hand-painted a mug for me!!! I got a bit teary upon opening this one. It's so cute, I can't bear to use it.

Receiving all of these wonderful gifts, I felt a bit guilty just giving out homemade orange-cranberry bread to everyone. After finally tasting it myself, I didn't feel quite so guilty any more. It was FANTASTIC!

So for New Year's I am going to go on a hike. (I plan to make this an annual event, as Joey and I went last year.) What better way to start the new year? Also, I will finally go back on my diet and start keeping track of my progress again. Everything considered, I didn't do too bad this holiday season.


Sunday, December 28, 2003

Pants In Dryer/Christmas Gone

I just thought I would do a quick update as I wait for my pants to finish being "refreshed" in the dryer. Christmas was wonderful, with one major exception: I didn't get to spend much of it with Bella. :( But it was nice spending time with my family for a change. I got some wonderful gifts which I will outline when I have more time. The Orange-Cranberry Bread I made for everyone seemed to be a big hit for those few that tried it. ;)

Last night Bella and I had a riot playing video games with her brothers. It's a very good, healthy thing to laugh. Try it, you'll like it.

Time to go put on "fresh" pants for church....


Tuesday, December 23, 2003


At last! A new look for my blog. No more generic, Blogger-default layout. Let me know what you think.

I'm tired and Bella should be calling soon, so I'll have to write more later....


Monday, December 22, 2003

Mac-in' Again

Mood: Thankful
Last ate: Orange Spice Tea

Bella had an old Macintosh boxed away that she said I could use if I wanted to. I took her up on the offer. Got it set up today and have been toying with it off and on. It's an old one, alright! It has 96mb RAM and a 1gb hard drive. Has lots of cool games, and a few useful applications (including Photoshop 5.5 and Illustrator 6.0). More than anything, I just want to brush up my Mac skills. There are a lot of Bella's old files, so I'm going to back them up in the event that she wants any of them. It's kind of fun Mac-in' again....

I am going to be working on a new layout for my journal. I may tweak my old "Thinking Out Loud" layout to be used with Blogger. I really liked that layout....

I have some major secret business to do for Bella before Christmas. I'll have to spend a good portion of tomorrow, maybe even some late hours tonight, working on it.

In the meantime, I'm downloading some songs for her brother....


Thursday, December 18, 2003

I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For

Mood: Discouraged But Hopeful
Last ate: Cup-o-Noodles and a Cup-o-Mocha

It is becoming apparent that if I intend to get a job in Graphic Design, I will need to learn more of the industry standard programs. This was decided when I had my interview at Inland Printworks. My old boss was glad to see me after 12 years, but decided I just didn't know enough of the programs that they use; he wasn't prepared to take the time to train me in them. He did say, however, that when I learned them I could come back for another interview.

So I mentioned this need to learn these programs to Bella. Most beautiful of beautiful creatures... she, yet again, pointed me in the right direction. She told me about the Educational Options Center where her brother had taken a Graphic Arts class. Well, not only is it cheap ($95 for six months), but it teaches all the programs I would need to learn. Better still, it's a very informal class, self-paced, attend-at-will. It doesn't get much better than that! I just wish I had known about the school years ago....

Because of this, I feel more at ease with what the future holds for me. With an improved skillset, my job options should open up dramatically.

But in the meantime, money is almost non-existent. I REALLY need to get a job... ANY job at this point. Shoot, I'm thinking of looking into telemarketing. That's how desperate I am! I just need to get some money rolling in, preferably in large wads.

On the family side of things, everything has seemed to settle down. I think we're even reconnecting a bit as a family. As usual, I'm not sure what the plans are for Christmas. I hope things work out better than they did for Thanksgiving.

Well, it's back to the job search now.


Thursday, December 11, 2003

Food For Thought

I stole the below text from Jeremy:

What happens when it is perfect the first time, when the first bite tastes so good that there is nothing for which we need to strive, what happens when we finally get this right? Nothing and that is not so much because of our solution but rather is our whole problem, we will never really know how close we might have been because the second we think we reach it we stop trying. Better than it was the day before but not the best, closer than the closest we have ever been but still not perfect. Either because of the bliss of this ignorance or not wanting to spend our entire lives trying to achieve it, we will never know what perfect is but we know we have no choice but to live with this and that just might be the perfect plan. Created without even thinking.


Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Job Search... Continued

Mood: Hopeful

It's been WAY too long since I last posted. For now, here's a quick update.

The job search continues. In the past few days I've really been putting foot to pavement. The latest possibilities are an Instructional/Computer Aide at Alvord High School, and a Pre-Press Technician/Graphic Designer at, of all places, Inland Printworks. (For those that don't know, Inland Printworks was my first job... ever. I was hired as a pressman, but mainly worked in the bindery. When a major family problem came up, I was forced to quit.)

Bella's Christmas break has started, at least partly. It won't be in full swing for another week or so. (Right now she just doesn't have any student teaching, but still has to work and has a couple classes left.)

Tomorrow we are going to her beloved Orange. We are meeting with a former professor of hers to pick up a letter of recommendation. Then she needs to do some studying before we meet with one of her friends for dinner. Somewhere in there we will be going to the Old Navy store for a little Christmas shopping. But first, in the morning, I have a couple job search-related things I need to get done, and Bella has offered to drive me around for them. She's so nice, I could kiss her. Oh... but I do! (And, somewhere, she's blushing right about now.)

Well, this has turned into a longer post than expected, so while I'm at it:

Stella, Ibby, Max, Frida, Pip and Pippi are all doing well. Oh, and there has been evidence (poop) that Frida has investigated the nest. Maybe there will be baby parakeets after all!

And with that thought... GOOD NIGHT!


Saturday, November 29, 2003

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Happy Birthday, Bella!

Mood: Ecstatic
Last ate: 2 Pieces of Toast and Coffee

It is Bella's birthday! YIPPEE!!! I am so excited, and can't wait to celebrate it with her. She's a whopping 28. (About three years younger than me.) I have some cards and presents for her, and we are going to go out to eat at one of our favorite restaurants, Calabria. We've been there two or three times, and it's just wonderful.

I spent Thanksgiving with Bella's family. I was devastated that my family didn't feel they could postpone our dinner for a few hours. I could have either chosen to eat with my family without Bella and been perfectly miserable, or eat with Bella's family and be relatively happy. I say "relatively" because I was really sad that I didn't feel welcome at my own family's dinner. But I will shed no more tears over it. At least I know what to expect for Christmas dinner....

I had to quit my job, for various reasons. Primarily, the boss was completely disrespectful to me, talking to me like I was some kind of idiot. Well, he wasn't paying me enough to be treated that way!

Finally, you have to check out this site! It's one of the coolest sites I've seen.


Sunday, November 23, 2003

Kindness of Strangers

Mood: Hopeful

Bella and I were walking out of a 7-11 (I needed to use their ATM), and on our way to the nearby Alberto's a black man (I only mention his race because it plays a role in the point I will make in a moment) passed us as he was headed into the 7-11. Being the nice guy that I am, I smiled at the man as I made eye contact. After we passed, the man had stopped in the open door and proclaimed: "That's the perfect couple!" I looked back to verify that he was referring to us, and he was. I beamed back at the kind man as my way of saying thank you. I asked Bella if she had heard what the man said, and she hadn't, so I told her. Of course, she was as thrilled as I was. We talked about it for several minutes afterward, and the effect of the man's kindness lingered for hours.

This comment from a perfect stranger had a profound effect on me. Aside from making my day, this kind man gave me faith in humanity. It thrills me to no end when people of different races can look beyond their differences and be kind to one another. And this man went out of his way to make a very kind comment.

I only wish I could have properly thanked the kind man. But when the Karmic wheel next turns for him, his kindness will be repaid many times over.



Mood: Tired
Weight: No Time to Check
Last ate: Bowl of Generic Cereal

Got a job on Thursday. Started work on Friday. Worked Saturday. (Ugh!) Thoroughly tired today.

My funds are extremely low, and I may not get my first check for three or four weeks. Looks like all my Xmas shopping will be last minute. Not that I will have much to spend, as there are always bills to be paid. But once I start getting my regular paychecks, I should have money enough for everything.

I think I would much rather work 9 to 6, rather than the 10 to 7 that I work during the week. By the time I get home, the day is basically gone.

Well, I will talk more about the job when I have time. For now, I have to get ready for church. But I will leave you, dear reader, with the assurance that I am proud of myself and that Bella is beginning to realize the depth of my love. (I wouldn't completely change my life for anyone else.)

That Bella girl is the best medicine for life! I love her dearly....


Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Long Time

Mood: Tired
Last ate: Oriental-Flavored Ramen Noodles with Mixed Vegetables

This job search has me very tired and frustrated. I had another interview that went reasonably well, but I may not hear back about it for two weeks.

I may just bite the bullet and go back to work at the mall. I think I wouldn't have any problem whatsoever getting a job there. Maybe even go so far as to apply at the Game Keeper? Now that the Pokemon craze has died down, I think I wouldn't mind working there again.

I've really been letting sales and work slide lately with this job search. But it is clear that I need to keep putting energy into the search as I may have to start paying the rent soon. (Gran says she's going to be moving out, though she's done little to start the process.) At any rate, I need to start making some real money soon or there will be major problems ahead.

Bella has been very supportive through all this. She always manages to lead me in the right direction. But I don't want to take any of her energy from her own tasks--and there are many.

We are either going to Disneyland (renewing my pass will pretty much wipe out my money) or out to eat for our 16th Monthiversary. Though Bella really wants to go to Disneyland, that may not be the wisest thing for me right now. We'll see....

Oops! I have to get off the line. Bella is supposed to be calling.


Monday, November 10, 2003

Bella's Guava

Mood: Delighted
Weight: 159
Last ate: Pineapple Guava

So it's just now been discovered by me that Bella's family has a couple of pineapple guava trees! Yesterday, after I made the discovery, Bella and I harvested some.

Having just eaten one this morning, much like one would eat a kiwi, I've decided that the pineapple guava is one of the best varieties of guava. (A lot of others tend to not be sweet and are often bland until you add sugar.) It's actually similar in flavor to kiwi, I would say.

As with all guavas, it makes an excellent jam, jelly or paste. I also read something about turning the paste into a flavorful "leather". (Think Fruit Roll-Ups.) That is something I had thought of before and this confirms it.

Little does Bella's family know, not only are the fruits tasty, but the flower petals are edible and can be used in salads!

So anyway, I had my interview on Friday. It went pretty well. Because of the haphazard, tag-team interview, there were a few situations I could have handled better. But overall, I feel pretty good about it. I did a followup call this morning, but neither of the people with whom I needed to speak were there. So I will call again tomorrow.

I guess I will call my employment agency and tell them I will be available all week. I might ask if they feel that I am qualified for any other positions. Having limited my area of where I can work, there may not be a lot of job offers for graphic design. I'll see what they can come up with.

I can't wait until Thursday. Bella has a paper due on Wednesday, so after it's turned in, we will be able to spend more QT together. Really, though, any time spent with her is quality time. I hate being away from her....


Thursday, November 06, 2003


Mood: Tired/Hungry

I finished the third mockup. So here are all three:

The second one is my least favorite, so I won't be taking that one to the interview. I actually like the b/w one the best. I am VERY Happy with that one and think it will be key in getting me the job. Bear in mind: 1) the bleach bottle is not their actual product, just a stand-in, and 2) most of the copy I wrote myself with little information given to me by the company. They only told me to include the phrase "disinfects your grooming tables" in it somewhere. The best use of that, I think, is in the first one. Well, let me know what you think!


Uncle Milton Comes Through!

Mood: Jubilant
Weight: 158
Last ate: Water

I am jubilant for two reason: 1) I finally managed, even after Halloween, to get down to 158, and 2) my two tadpoles arrived SAFELY!

Yes, even though I gormandized from Halloween until just a couple of days ago, I broke the 159/160 barrier. I have no idea how. But maybe I shouldn't question it. So I won't.

Uncle Milton FINALLY came through, delivering what appears to be two healthy and relatively happy tadpoles. As I may have mentioned before, if all goes well, they will grow up to be leopard frogs:

Their scientific name being Rana pipiens, I may name them Pip and Pipi (pih-pee). But I will hold off on that until they at least have some sort of identifying marks (spots). Otherwise, I'm liable to just call them both Pip.

So I've been "pounding the pavement", looking for a job that will provide some extra income and get me back on my feet financially. I decided I didn't have much time for a job search, so I applied at Apple One so they can do the search for me. I was accepted for graphic design assignments. I've never gone through an employment agency before, but they instantly had a potential job for me. Unfortunately, it would have required a 2.75 hour commute via bus... each way. The pay was low ($9.50 per hour), too. I just hope they don't hold it against me for turning that one down.

I have been sending out the occasional resume on my own behalf, and have come up with one interview for a very attractive job less than three miles away. It would most likely be part-time (allowing me to continue my own business), and the pay will be $10-12 per hour, which is more in the range I was hoping for. The interview is scheduled for 11:30am tomorrow. It sounds like there might only be two other candidates, so I think my chances are good. They are asking for a mock-up of an ad ("maybe just something in pencil"), and I am going all-out on this task. I have already designed two ads on the computer, and I have an idea for a third. So I may just take the best two. In addition, I printed out a copy of their web site, making notes on it about how it can be improved. And there's a lot to be improved. Finally, I've written up a Plan of Action on the process of redesigning the web site. Their ad said they were looking for someone that is organized, so I hope that's how all of this appears. Anyway, wish me luck!

Oh, one last thing: I have another story rolling around in my head. Not sure if it will be a short story, novel or script, but it's a Christmas story. I think it has a rather unique twist, but I'm not entirely sure of which way I want to take it yet.

Well, I really, really need to get some sales emails sent out now....


Saturday, November 01, 2003


Mood: Slightly Ill
Weight: Don't Wanna Know
Last ate: Slim-Fast Rich Chocolate Royale Shake

Woke up feeling not quite right in the stomach. Don't know if it was the candy I ate yesterday (I really didn't have that much), or maybe the food at Alberto's. Feeling a little better now, but not 100%.

Yesterday didn't even seem like Halloween to me. I didn't even dress up. Well, I did dress in all black. (I told Bella, jokingly, that if anyone asked, I was dressed as Johnny Cash, the man in black.)

I'm getting huge amounts of spam. I may have to change my email addresses. What a pain!


Friday, October 31, 2003

Breakfast Tea... In a Bowl

Mood: Excited
Weight: 159
Last ate: Orange Spice Malt-o-Meal

No, it's not a new brand of Malt-o-Meal. Yours truly made a bowl of Malt-o-Meal using orange spice tea rather than water or milk. WOW! Lemme just tell you this may be the best bowl of Malt-o-Meal I've ever eaten. As you may know, Malt-o-Meal is very bland if not fixed correctly. Well, my solution for that has always been a little milk, lots of brown sugar, and a glob of butter. Not the best thing for a diet.

Thinking of cooking with tea lately, and wondering how I could make Malt-o-Meal taste better, I decided to try making it with tea, rather than my usual half water/half milk. Yesterday, I made it with chamomile tea. Absolutely delightful! Today, I decided to try something a little more bold, so I went with the orange spice. Next time? Maybe the ginger peach. With the slew of tea I have, the possibilities are truly endless.

It must be said that I am not the biggest fan of fruity teas. But now there is a legit purpose for them! How exciting is that?!?

Last night, Bella and I went out to eat with a friend of hers. It was very pleasant, even with all of the teacher-talk. (They're both teachers.) Then, Bella and I went browsing around the mall... something we haven't done in a long time. I saw so many things I wanted, and all fairly cheap! The best was this little, single-serving teapot, complete with warmer. (When I explained how it worked to Bella, it dawned on her why a tea light is called a TEA light.) The regular price of $15 was more than fair (especially considering it was at Bombay), but it was on sale for $12! Unfortunately, I was completely broke at the time. I guess I could always wait and see what I get for Christmas, but there's a lot of tea-brewing time between now and then.

After we got back to my place, and we both checked our email, Bella fell soundly asleep, feet in my lap, for over an hour. To entertain myself, I switched between watching Bella make funny faces in her sleep, watching Stella watch Bella, and reading the phone book. How exciting is that?!? ;)

Oh, my! This is a long entry. I better stop before I receive hatemail....


Thursday, October 30, 2003

Morning Cup of Coffee

Mood: Looking Forward to Seeing Bella
Weight: 159
Last ate: Coffee and Chicory

So I was planning on lounging for another hour before getting up, but then I thought of my coffee. So I got up at 7 instead of 8. I'm giving myself until 8 to take care of personal emails, etc. Then I must take care of the birds and my plants. Finally, hopefully by 8:30, I will be able to sit down and send out some sales emails. Once again, I am going to dedicate the morning to sales. I think this is the best...

[You may be wondering why the break in my thought and why this isn't being posted until nearly 9. Well, Gran decided she needed to use the phone. So I went ahead and took care of the birds, letting Ibby take a good, long bath. Still need to take care of the plants. Now back to my regularly scheduled journal entry....]

... plan of action, as I need to work seriously on sales EVERY DAY. I'm thinking of calling local businesses to get some local sales going. It will necessarily be a soft-sell technique. I will basically be asking if they have a web site; if so, what is it; if not, can I send them some further information in the mail.

Anyway, I'm sure this is all very exciting for you, dear reader.

Oh, I am in the very early stages of working on a collection of short stories about birds and life. I am pretty excited about it. Watching Adaptation., it struck me that one must write about something about which one feels passionate. I have no greater passion in life than birds. (Don't worry, I consider Bella a sort of bird. She is the most angelic of all birds. She soared into my life, gave me wings, and now we fly together forever and ever... Amen.) I will have to set aside a day for writing.

But now, I have to have a little breakfast and get started on work....


Wednesday, October 29, 2003

For the Love of Guava

I finally found some pictures that capture the beauty of the Chilean Guava:


Tea Quote

"In my own hands I hold a bowl of tea; I see all of nature represented in its green color. Closing my eyes I find green mountains and pure water within my own heart. Silently, sitting alone, drinking tea, I feel these become part of me. Sharing this bowl of tea with others, they, too, become one with it and nature." --Soshitsu Sen XV


Coffee & Life

Mood: Pleased with Life
Weight: 159
Last ate: Drinking French Market Coffee & Chicory
Listening to: The Suit and Tie Guy Band's You're So Nice... It's Raining Death

Rich people are funny. Gran knows this rich family that throws things away after a few uses. They gave her a box of things that they were just going to throw out. So she asks me what this little appliance is and I tell her it's a single-serving coffee maker. I guess I seemed a bit excited, because she offered it to me and I graciously accepted.

This morning, first thing, I went to Stater Bros. to get some coffee. I had a really cheap brand of coffee already in my cart when I saw this French Market "New Orleans Famous" Coffee and Chicory. It was nearly twice as much as the one I had previously selected... but chicory! I felt that was worth the extra cost. Chicory, you see, has medicinal uses, including a digestive, diuretic and tonic. And as the can touts: "... coffee with chicory is common throughout Europe, producing a stronger, darker, less bitter brew with less caffeine than pure coffee." And as you may or may not know, "caffeine makes me nervous". (My aunt Betty once said that, and I've taken it as my own words.)

So as soon as I got home I brewed my cup of coffee. The instructions for the coffee say that it is so strong that you can use 1/3 to 1/2 of the amount you normally would. But it is much less bitter, so I think I might enjoy a full-strength serving. Perhaps best of all, I used about half as much cream and sugar as I usually do. (I used to be a double-cream-double-sugar guy.) I am very pleased with it and must highly recommend it.

I decided I was in need of a new mug that I could dedicate to my coffee (so as not to taint my tea). So I was looking at the 99¢ mugs and found this white and blue, spackley/drippy, modern-artsy looking one with the silhouette of a rabbit. I instantly thought of Bella, a wood rabbit in Chinese astrology, so I snatched it up. Now, in addition to calling her Wood Rabbit, I can call her Blue Rabbit. I know she'll like that.

Lately I have really been into my friend's album. In particular, I've been listening to his The Suit & Tie Guy Band's You're So Nice... It's Raining Death. It's an awesome album, with a little bit of everything: improv jazz, jam rock, trance, ambient.... Check out his site and the free downloads!

Lastly, I updated I felt it needed a facelift to be more competitive in the marketplace. (Shhh.... It also allows me to raise my rates a bit.) There's still a little work to do on it, but it's mostly complete.

I better eat something. Here it is noon and I haven't had breakfast yet....


Sunday, October 26, 2003


Mood: Lethargic
Weight: 160 (Again!)
Last ate: Slim-Fast Rich Chocolate Royale Shake

I was so excited about the time change that I stayed up WAY too late. I think I lost any benefits of a "gained hour".

Numerous wildfires are polluting the air. Ash is falling from the sky. Where did I put my gasmask?!?

On the way to do some research at the UCR library with Bella, we stopped at the UCR Botanic Gardens fall plant sale. I was looking at the herbs, but ended up getting a Chilean Guava. There happened to be a berry in the bottom of the pot for me to sample... MMMMMMMM! You can eat it plain or make a jam, jelly or syrup out of it. (Maybe muffins, too?) WHAT A FIND!

My weight keeps hovering around 159/160. I need to be more diligent with my diet. Been slacking a little bit.

Well, I better get dressed. It's off to church I go....

Don't be scared to COMMENT

Thursday, October 23, 2003


Mood: Contemplative
Weight: ???
Last ate: Herbal Tea

The following is a portion of a message on a Catholic Yahoo Group followed by my reply:

> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 14:54:18 -0000
> From: "Jon Peace" <******>
> Subject: Mixed Emotions on Florida Woman
> I have to say that I felt a little sad when I heard a feeding tube
> would be reinserted in the comatose Florida woman.
> I am certainly pro-life, and as such I am opposed to euthenasia.
> Abortion, euthenasia and the death penalty are instances where man
> oversteps his bounds, making life-and-death decisions that should be
> left to God.
> But in this case, we have a woman who would die naturally - and would
> have died naturally before modern technology came available to keep
> her alive. Now she can be kept alive.

I, too, am against abortion and the death penalty, though not for religious reasons. However, euthanasia is an entirely different scenario. In almost every instance of euthanasia the person is already being kept alive by artificial means, whether it is by machines or medicine. I do feel that a person has a right to decide that they do not want artificial means to keep them alive. If they are in pain and misery, how can we say, knowing that they are being kept alive through technology, that euthanasia is wrong? By forcing them to continue being on life support (again, either machine or medicine), you have taken away their freedom, and THAT is wrong.

Say, for instance, that we remove the fact that a person is terminally ill. Let's go further and say someone simply has the flu. They go to the doctor and get medicine, but at some point they decide they don't want to take it. Imagine, then, if they were FORCED to take it. Is this a good thing? I think not, and I don't think anyone else can say that it is.

I, for one, have chosen to limit the amount of modern medical care that I receive. This is my right. No one can take that away from me for any reason, no matter what my circumstances may be.


Greg Short


Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Elliot Smith

Mood: Even More Sad

Elliot Smith is dead.

Why is it I don't consider buying albums of these people until they're dead?


Kelly & Hrudey

Mood: Sad
Weight: 160
Last ate: Slim-Fast Crispy Peanut Caramel Snack Bar

I buried Kelly and Hrudey. It didn't seem right to flush them down the toilet.


Tuesday, October 21, 2003


Mood: Exhausted
Last ate: Baked Lasagna at The Old Spaghetti Factory

I am thoroughly exhausted! I did so much walking today that I don't even feel guilty about the donut I had shortly before arriving at Joey's this afternoon. The heat was overwhelming. Yes, heat in October. This is California after all. Really, though, I don't remember having such a hot day this late in the year. I really despise the summer.

Anyway, Bella and I had an excellent 15th Monthiversary dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory. I couldn't even finish my food. What Bella ordered was even better than what I ordered. I'm too tired to remember what it was called....

Oh, oh, oh, I love, love, love my beautiful, beautiful Bella! I have to say that one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my life is Bella staring lovingly across the table at me, especially at TOSF.


15th Monthiversary!

Mood: Elated
Weight: 160
Last ate: Slim-Fast Rich Chocolate Shake

Today Bella and I are celebrating our 15th Monthiversary! Yippee!!! I am so happy. Every day I ask myself how I got so lucky. But maybe I shouldn't question it. We fit so well, we compliment each other... we just plain fit! I love her, I love her, I love her. I can't possibly say it enough.

Before I go over to Bella's, I will be going to visit my friend, Joey. He usually comes over to my house, but he's so busy with school and work (tutoring), I figured it might be easier for him if I go over to his house.

I have to get busy with work. I will have to leave around 2:30, so it's important that I be productive this morning. Here I go....


Monday, October 20, 2003

Kelly & Hrudey, R.I.P.

Mood: Sad
Weight: 160
Last ate: Kettle Corn

It is now confirmed: Kelly and Hrudey did not survive their trip. With this heat wave we've been having, they just boiled to death. Sad, very sad. I called Uncle Milton about it, and they will be sending two more in a couple weeks. I was torn as to whether or not I should ask for replacement tadpoles as I hate the idea of putting more little tadpoles in such danger. But we'll see how it goes. I am going to wait until I am sure the new ones are going to live before I bother naming them this time. Any name suggestions?

Bella came over for a little dinner. She tends to get the blues on Mondays. But spending time with me seemed to help a little bit. I just wish there was more I could do.

Tomorrow we will be celebrating our 15th Monthiversary. I invited Bella out for dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, either Pietro's or Spaghetti Factory. The latter would be better for our diets, but Pietro's is closer to Bella's house. And after a long day she might not feel like driving out to Spaghetti Factory. At any rate, we both are looking forward to it.

Well, I have to get a little work done before I can go to bed. I don't know how productive I will be as I am already pretty sleepy. I might be better off waiting until tomorrow....


Sunday, October 19, 2003


Mood: Happy
Weight: 159
Last ate: Malt-o-Meal

I've finally broken the 160 pound barrier! To reward myself, I am considering making Sundays a "free day" with no calorie counting. :) However, I still plan to eat sensibly, such as my breakfast this morning. (I stuck to ONE serving of Malt-o-Meal this time....)

As we were eating the usual Saturday night burgers at Bella's, when she kept dipping her hand in for more chips I had the urge to suggest she stop. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. I guess in the back of my mind I have all those men that drive their wives/girlfriends to anorexia. I know Bella would want me to say something, but I couldn't. I'll have to work on this as chips are definitely one of her biggest downfalls. Of course, as you know, I say all this thinking she is perfect the way she is. She is the one that expressed a need for help from me to stick to her diet. (Just so people don't think it was my idea for her to go on a diet.)

Last night, after eating, we went over to my sister's house. My brother, Eric, and his friend, Vito (sp?), came over a little later. We all watched home movies. It was really sad, seeing how our family used to work as a unit. It seems very foreign, now.

Unfortunately, Bella doesn't handle shaking cameras too well (such as in Blair Witch Project or my home movies), so after a few hours of watching them, she was feeling a bit ill. She was sweating bullets and complained of feeling very warm. Even on the brisk car ride home she was still sweating. I detected through our goodnight kiss that she may have even been feeling nauseous. (Oops! People don't know we kiss. j/k) I hope she's feeling better.

Oh, Kelly and Hrudey arrived, but of course it was hot yesterday, so I don't know if they survived. The instructions that came with them explained that they may look dead when they arrive, but it is most likely just "shipment shock". It said to allow 24 hours for them to recover, but it doesn't look good. Fortunately, there was guaranteed live delivery. But it's really kind of sad. I don't know if I want to put more little tadpoles through that horrible journey. (I could just BUY a grown leopard frog, but where's the fun in that?!?)

Well, I have to get dressed for church and run to catch my bus!


Saturday, October 18, 2003


Mood: Eager to See Bella
Weight: ???
Last ate: Club Crackers, Cherry Jam, Two Fig Newtons

Bella and I both slipped on our diets last night. We blame it on McDonald's. I didn't bother weighing myself this morning. Worked out a little bit today to make up for the Big Mac and Chicken Nugs. That's in addition to the walking I will be doing. I'm sure the result won't be too bad when I step on the scale tomorrow morning. But I need to be more considerate of Bella and help her stick to her diet. (Even though I think she's perfect the way she is.) We'll just have to be careful when we go to McDonald's from now on.

Haven't seen Stella since last night. I'm a bit worried.


Thursday, October 16, 2003


Mood: Philosopher
Weight: ???
Last ate: TWO Servings of Malt-O-Meal

So I joined a Catholic Yahoo Group to find answers to some of my questions about the religion. Here is a fragment of someone's post plus my reply:

> Back to your question though, I do have a couple I would like to ask
> you. First, if you do not believe there is one true church around,
> would you ever consider joining all the churches at once? If not,
> what would be the determining factor for you in choosing any one
> church out of a pool of several, if truth does not play a role in the
> decision?

Thank you for your reply. Though I believe there is one Truth, there is no way any of us can know what that is. So while I think it is appropriate to take a particular belief system as one's Truth, I think it is disrespectful and illogical to assume everyone else is wrong.

Right about now, you're probably asking yourself what logic has to do with religion. I think it has everything to do with religion. Even in faith there is logic. If there was no logic in faith, the faith would contradict itself to such a degree that it would be beyond belief of a reasoning mind. But then, you already seem to understand this, as you used Algebra as an analogy. :)

But I digress.... To answer your last question, I honestly have to say that my girlfriend's beliefs play a major role in my decision to even consider Catholicism. I wouldn't have given it a second thought, otherwise. But coming to know the Catholic faith through her, I have been able to look beyond anything I may see as a fault and find the good. And there is a lot of good to be found.

I have been going through some tough times recently, and I feel the two things that have helped me most are my girlfriend and reconnecting with God through the church. I find myself praying more frequently and on a more regular basis. As a result, I feel stronger and more capable of doing what is right. It is for these reasons that I am drawn specifically to the Catholic church.

Obviously it would be impossible to join all churches at once. But the closest thing to that, I guess, would be to become Unitarian Universalist, which is something I considered before I started attending church with my girlfriend. But honestly I know very little about it.


Greg Short


Wednesday, October 15, 2003

The Beauty of Crows

Mood: In Awe
Weight: 160
Last ate: Slim-Fast Rich Chocolate Brownie Meal Bar

I went out to the mail box and saw a crow flying overhead. Being fascinated by all birds and especially crows, I stood there and watched him. It was one of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen. This bird, this crow, was SOARING and LOVING IT. You could tell by the way he would catch an updraft and sort of hang there, then let himself fall into a glide. He even seemed to call out in glee. I was happy for him. He made me happy. I feel like we shared a moment of peace and understanding. Then, he was gone. The feelings, however, persist.

I think the only person that truly understands how I feel about birds is Bella. We enjoy birds together. We'll be sitting in the park, driving in her car, walking down the street--it doesn't matter what we're doing--and we notice these birds. We watch them, take delight in them. It doesn't matter if they're crows, starlings, sparrows, perhaps a hummingbird, we get enormous satisfaction in watching them.

It saddens me that most people miss the beauty of crows, the beauty of birds. They don't take the time to stop... and enjoy.


Tuesday, October 14, 2003


Mood: Happy
Weight: 161
Last ate: Slim-Fast Chocolate Shake

I have to apologize to you, dear readers. I have been bitching about my family a lot lately. NO MORE! At least for a while. ;) After all, Bella makes my life great, and I am happier than I have ever been in my life. I have been frustrated over things I cannot change, and I must STOP!

So anyway, it strikes me that I haven't talked about my kids much lately. Ibby the starling is doing very well. His primary feathers have grown back so he can fly again. His beak is back to a normal length and has returned to its non-mating-season black. Stella the cat has a red collar of which she is very proud. She's on the outs with her boyfriend right now. Maybe one day they will resolve their differences. The budgies Max and Frida have decided the real world is not for them, but instead prefer to stay in their cage all day. They seem quite content. Oh, two more members of the family are on the way. Kelly and Hrudey are leopard frog tadpoles currently traveling the US in a brown box. I paid Uncle Milton to take the poor kids off his hands. They appear to be in a little mischief, however, as they haven't arrived on schedule. But you know kids!

Well, time for work! Need to drum up some sales....



Mood: Peaceful

Peace comes from truth. Know the truth and you will have peace.


Cool Link

Mood: Content

Thanks to Ben of Bennifer fame (no, not Affleck and J.Lo, but the ORIGINAL Bennifer) for this cool link: It's a hilarious, Flash-based cartoon series. Plus, free games and downloads! Be sure to check out the talking clock for your PC....


Monday, October 13, 2003

Family Troubles... Again!

Mood: Disgusted
Weight: 161
Last ate: Slim-Fast Chocolate Shake

It is now clear to me that few, if any, members of my own family care about me. I have talked to everyone that is involved with this whole family fiasco, telling them what this is doing to me... and no one cares. My own mother basically told me that this is not my house and that I am essentially homeless. And that's precisely how I feel.

All the parties involved claim to want peace, but their actions speak louder than their words.

So I am going to remove myself from this situation--emotionally, if not physically. I am not going to let the fighting get to me. If these supposed adults want to fight like children rather than settle disputes like adults, then that is their problem. I wash my hands of it.

Admittedly, I was stepping in a little too much trying to keep things from escalating, but it's obvious no one is interested in my help. I can only protect myself.

What I can and will do for my family is pray that God will give them the strength to see the part they each play in this situation. And I will pray that I will have the strength to not let their petty bickering pull me into their turmoil.

Once again, I have to thank Bella for saving me from this. With her love holding me up, time and time again I have had the strength to do the right thing. Thank you, Bella! I love you more than anything in this world....


Sunday, October 12, 2003


Mood: Emotionally Exhausted
Weight: 160
Last ate: Slim-Fast Cookie Dough Meal Bar (yesterday)

So last night Bella and I went to see Faust is Dead at the Rude Guerrilla. It featured gratuitous male nudity for no apparent reason other than shock value. This raised my insecurities, and as I sat there it turned into jealousy that Bella was seeing such things. Feeling that way about Bella made me angry at myself. On the ride home, Bella detected something was wrong and was extremely apologetic that I didn't enjoy myself. Then I started thinking what an asshole I was being which only made me more upset with myself. I was seriously wondering why Bella would ever want to be with such a pathetic person. It wasn't until we got to my house that she pried out of me what was wrong. She instantly thought it was her fault. But really, as I told her, it has nothing whatsoever to do with her. I just have deep-rooted insecurities. After we talked about it, I felt a lot better, but still felt like a bit of an ass.

This morning, I got up at 6am to feed Stella, but Gran had moved her food. So while I was trying to stay in sleep mode so I could go back to sleep after I fed Stella, I was searching for the food. I ended up having to ask Gran where it was. Finally, after putting the food out, I tried to go back to sleep, only to realize I was now wide awake. Then I was pissed. And with one negative mood comes another, so the self-loathing returned.

I'm feeling relatively better now, but I feel extremely tired and emotionally drained.

Well, I better eat something, though I have no appetite. Need to feed the birds before I leave for Bella's house, too.


Saturday, October 11, 2003


Mood: A Bit Groggy
Weight: 161
Last ate: Slim-Fast Cappuccino Shake

I had no idea that it had been so long since I posted an entry. The shame. Oh, the shame.

This place is starting to feel less and less like a home. With all the family infighting going on--over a dog, or a car--I do not feel comfortable, or even safe. I tried to be the peacemaker, but no one listens to me. The petty fighting will go on and on, until it escalates to something absolutely ridiculous. Sometimes I feel all alone in this world, with no family to call my own.

Thank God for Bella! She saves me every day. She calms me, gives me perspective on the world, makes me realize I am not alone. She loves me. Bella loves me. Love. Peace. That is everything I want. And she gives it to me. That is something special.

I've had thoughts of getting the hell out of Dodge before the bullets start flying, but I'm really in no position to do that. It crossed my mind to see if my sister would like a roommate, but I think I would just be in the way. Not to mention, I have too much stuff for her small house. I've also considered some type of live-in work, but at a guess I would need a car for that. (How can you take care of someone if you don't have a car?) I guess I'm stuck. My only hope is to be out-and-about as much as possible. I could always stay out all day, come back at night when the smoke clears, and try to get some work done in the peace of darkness.

This is no way to live.


Wednesday, October 08, 2003


Mood: Disappointed
Weight: 162
Last ate: Chocolate Malt-o-Meal

Of all types of relationships, families are the most confusing. One's family can be one's support system, yet they are often the first to turn on one. I've experienced this with my family, and Bella has experienced it with hers. I rest easy knowing we have each other. The world around us can crumble and fall, but as long as we love each other we remain strong.

I love Bella deeply.


Tuesday, October 07, 2003


Mood: Pleased
Weight: ???
Last ate: Boba Green Tea

I just found the best place for Boba Tea! There's an Asian market near my house that has it for $1.50. (Hint: that's cheap!) It is absolutely the BEST Boba tea I have ever had. For those that don't know, Boba (aka: bubble tea, pearl tea, tapioca tea, etc.) is an iced tea or milkshake with large, black tapioca pearls at the bottom. You slurp up the tapioca pearls as you drink with a large straw, and the pearls are chewy... a bit like gum. I had the Boba Green Tea which was very sweet with a floral flavor. Don't let that turn you off... it was really refreshing and flavorful!

I also went to vote. I voted YES on the recall, but I voted for myself! (I've been known to do that.) I voted NO on 53 (didn't care, really), and YES on 54 (we need to stop the government from classifying people by race, nationality, etc.). I was going to vote for Arnold, but I'm sure he will probably win even without my vote. That is IF the recall goes through. It will be fun to see the events unfold....


Monday, October 06, 2003

Gangs of New York

Mood: Happy
Weight: 163
Last ate: Slim-Fast Chocolate Cookie Dough Meal Bar and Herb Tea

Saturday morning I watched Gangs of New York. Though it was good, I doubt I would want to see it again. The soundtrack was especially good, however. More interesting than the movie itself was the documentary about the real gangs of New York which was included in the special features. This was a good rental, but I would never buy it....


Sunday Splurge?

Mood: Sad
Weight: 163
Last ate: THREE Slices of Pizza

I was scared to tally my calories for Sunday. I decided to splurge for dinner, as Bella's family was having pizza. Miraculously, I only went over my daily calorie budget by 17! This is only the second time I've gone over my allotted 1,300 calories per day. (The previous time was by a mere 9 calories.) So I'm pretty happy about that. But...

Bella was not feeling well all day today. I feel bad when she's not well. I try to take care of her and support her, but I feel fairly useless in such instances.

We had a nice little talk about religion. I told her some of my concerns about Catholicism. She has her own concerns about it, as well. But she is happy with being a Catholic. I am primarily concerned that if I were to one day become a Catholic, I wouldn't want to dishonor their religion by my not believing 100% of what they believe. There are some things I know I would never feel comfortable with. But are there any Catholics that believe EVERYTHING espoused by their religion? I find it hard to believe that that could be possible. I need to do more research on Catholicism....

Saturday, October 04, 2003


Mood: Hungry
Weight: 164
Last ate: Two Generic Fig Newtons

I am HUNGRY! I've been saving my calories for the usual Saturday night cheeseburger at Bella's. Only a couple of hours to go....

Friday, October 03, 2003

Money is Evil

Mood: Confused
Weight: 164
Last ate: Slim-Fast Chocolate Brownie Meal Bar, Milk and Banana

I'm very confused. All of my adult life, I was setting my life up under the assumption that I would always be alone. I truly believed that would always be the case. At the time, I rather liked the idea of being alone. Or, at least I grew to like the idea. So I was in no rush to go to school beyond high school. (In fact, I never went beyond a brief consideration of college.) I felt perfectly comfortable making a small amount of money so I could pay my bills and play with all of my wonderful ideas. Being an idea person, I am always flirting with new ideas. But things are not at all as I foresaw.

I have a beautiful girlfriend. We will one day get married. Though she has set herself up for a comfortable career as a teacher, I am known to her family as the one without a career. I suspect that they think I am planning to take a free ride on her coattails. In reality, I have spent the majority of my humble income on her. Most of the time, I pay for dinner or entertainment. I like to think that I am taking care of her. I shower her with gifts. Where does her family think I get the money to do all this? Or, maybe they don't realize just how much I do for my Bella.

Knowing how I am perceived, and knowing that it bothers Bella, I now see it as necessary to focus on some semblance of a career. The quickest route to such a thing would be to jump back into retail and start working my way up again. Or, I could look for a job in my current line of work. But that would take valuable time from what is currently paying the bills. Or, I could just throw myself into my business and try to increase my income.

I know I need to do something. But at the same time, I don't want to sacrifice being happy. I am happy doing what I am doing, but can I make it work?

One thing I need to discuss with Bella is the balance of work/incomes. I have seen, time and time again, that in two-income households care of the home suffers. That is not something I am willing to sacrifice. Would there really be anything wrong with my working part-time at home and taking care of the house and yard? In my mind, one or the other of us would have to work less to balance income with care of the home. For example, if we were to both work equally, would either of us have energy left to do work around the house?

Yes, there's a lot tumbling around in my mind. I am very confused. My life feels like clay being mashed from one shape into another. I need to prepare myself for dramatic changes ahead.

Thursday, October 02, 2003

Coolest Game Ever!

Mood: Content
Weight: 165
Last ate: Two Red Vines

(Yes, the two Red Vines are allowed in my diet....)

Yeah, so, I just found the coolest game ever. Play it, and remember I told you about it first!

Bad Dream

Had a bad dream that has put me in a foul mood. In the dream, my mom was throwing my stuff away. I told her that there were important things that she was throwing away, and she didn't care.

Sadly, this is based on true events. My mom threw away at least three boxes of my books, and when she saw how devastated I was, she still showed no remorse. The funny thing was this all happened as a result of my HELPING HER by cleaning up the carport for her. Furthermore, we had agreed as a family to clean up on a particular day at a particular time. My sister was the only one that helped me. (Admittedly, one of my brothers had said that he had to work at that time, so he was the only one with a legitimate excuse.)

I have shed plenty of tears over my mom's lack of respect for me. But I have forgiven her, even though she turned up her nose at it when it was offered. The wounds are still there. I just find it sad how readily she is willing to ruin our relationship. This isn't the first time, and it won't be the last. This time, I won't open myself up to being in such a position again. It is clear that we are destined to have a relationship at arm's length.

Sometimes I feel I have no father AND no mother. That saddens me to no end....

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Yahoo Groups Email

I noticed a couple of bugs in the Yahoo Groups email. It turns the whole journal entry into a link. I think I fixed it. Also, it didn't like me trying to open links in a new browser, so I had to change that, as well.

I think I have all the kinks worked out now.

Meanwhile, I should be working!

Calorie Chart

Mood: Happy
Weight: 165
Last ate: Slim-Fast Banana Cream Shake

I made a calorie chart so I can track how many calories I am taking in at each meal or snack. I've allotted calories based on Slim-Fast's personalized recommendation of a 1,300-calorie diet. Breakfast and lunch were given 250 calories, three snacks were assigned 150 calories each, and the balance of 350 remained for dinner. It doesn't sound like much, I know. But you can have one helluva salad for 350 calories. (No sarcasm intended.) These extremes I'm taking for my diet seem to be paying off. I've already lost five pounds!

I am currently without cable, or even TV. I purchased a $13 indoor antenna at the local Rite Aid, but it only picks up KVCR. I haven't decided if it was a waste of money yet; I do enjoy public TV.

I will occasionally feature a link to something I happen to be into at a particular time. I just went on a bookmarking spree of a number of NPR's shows, including my personal favorite, Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! A lot of the shows can be streamed over the Internet, so I have some cheap (read: free) entertainment to make up for the lack of TV.

This free entertainment also keeps me occupied when I can't be with Bella. Somehow, even with her tremendously busy schedule juggling three jobs and school, we still manage to see each other frequently. But not enough. Never enough. I feel a certain vitality whenever she is around. A strength. A completeness. Like I'm only half a person without her. I miss her terribly....

Yikes, I need to get crackin'! I need to take a quick shower, go for my walk, then get some work done.

(As I am just about to close, Gran asks me if I want to eat this or that. Each time I say no. I wish she would just stop. Fortunately, I learned a long time ago how to say no to her. There was a time when I couldn't, which made being on a diet extremely difficult. Now, it just upsets me that she cares so little about my health. Or maybe it's much more innocent than I imagine. Oh well.)

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Yahoo Groups

My journal entries are now being sent by Yahoo Groups. Some people (i.e. those with Hotmail addresses) weren't receiving the journal entries correctly. I am hoping this will solve that. But you have to respond to my invitation! ;)

As a joke to myself, I placed my Group in the Short People category. I'm so funny sometimes....

Okay, I really need to get busy with work. Type atcha later!


Mood: Slightly Energetic
Weight: 167
Last ate: Slim-Fast Cappuccino Delight Shake

Last night Bella came over for dinner. She said my diet is inspiring her to do better on her diet. It truly is easier if both of us are on a diet. That's how I picture our relationship down the road: eating together sensibly with little effort. It will be our lifestyle. We've talked about how, one day when we are married, we will have a kitchen full of good, healthy food. No evil temptations. That's a big problem for both of us right now. We both live in houses full of sweets.

This morning I am feeling very good about this Slim-Fast diet. It's taking some getting used to, but I am feeling better already. Also, for now at least, I've coupled it with my salad diet to get some initial weight off. Once my weight is on the downward spiral, I may re-introduce "regular" meals into my plan. But for now....

I may go for a walk instead of regular exercises. I enjoy it more and think it will be more encouraging. Setting the Total Gym up, no matter how "simple" they say it is in the commercials, is still a pain. If only I had free weights....

Monday, September 29, 2003


Just noticed that the archive links weren't working. I fixed it, so now you can browse through past weeks of journal entries. (Hint: this section is on the right-hand side under "archives".)

Oh yeah, I got the Johnny Cash CD. It's even better than I remember....

No Progress Yet

Mood: Tired
Weight: 168
Last ate: Slim-Fast Chocolate Cookie Dough Meal Bar

Not much progress on my diet yet. But I'm not too concerned. I've only just started the exercise portion of my plan today. Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays I'm supposed to walk for at least 15 minutes. (I will walk for at least an hour.) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays I'm supposed to do exercises. (I'll be using my old, trusty Total Gym 1000 for that.) I'm stocked up on shakes and meal bars. Need to get more veggies and fruits tonight when Bella comes over.

When cooler weather hits, I'm going to be using the bus less and walking more often. I may even go so far as to walk to Bella's house on occasion. (That's about 8 miles.) At some point I will get a bike. Want to start going on weekly hikes again. May have to enlist my good friend and hiking buddy Joey.

I'm still very optimistic about everything....

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Off to Church!

Mood: Anxious
Weight: 168
Last ate: Banana and Slim-Fast Chocolate Shake

Off to church. Leaving early to stop by Best Buy to spend a $15 gift card that was part of a rebate. Probably get Johnny Cash's American IV: The Man Comes Around. I've already heard it and it is one of the most amazing albums ever.

We miss you, Johnny!

Saturday, September 27, 2003

Greg's Journal

I just added a new feature to my new journal. If all goes well, you should receive my journal entries in your email! (Hint: if you're reading this in your email, it works.)

Please note, there have already been several entries to this new journal, so you might want to check them out here:

Though everyone will be receiving these entries in your email, you will still want to check the site for other goodies! ;)


Last Night

Mood: Mildly Stressed
Weight: 167
Last ate: Salsa Doritos and Guacamole

So last night, Bella and I met up with her "crazy friend Jody from Hawaii" and we went to the Radiohead concert at the Hollywood Bowl. We met my brother, Brian, and brother-in-law, Matt, at the concert. Though we were practically in the nosebleed section, we could see everything, however small. :) Let's just say it was the most amazing concert I have ever been to. The energy. The music. The night. And Bella. Always Bella. She makes everything magical.

It was good seeing Matt and Brian last night. I hardly see either of them any more. It's especially sad that I don't see Brian much, as he lives on the same property! But with all the family turmoil going on, it just works out that way.

Well, I slipped on my diet this morning, as you can see from above. But I just woke up with the most incredible craving for Doritos and guac. I will have to make up for it during lunch. I probably won't eat much.

I have tons of work, so I better get started. I have had very little self-motivation this week. Need to work on that.


Tired but thrilled.

But tired.

Must sleep.

Oh, yeah, Radiohead was AWESOME!!!

Friday, September 26, 2003

It's About Time!

Tonight. Hollywood Bowl. Radiohead.

Damn, I'm lucky!

New Journal? Again?!?

Mood: Optimistic
Weight: 167
Last ate: Slim-Fast Chocolate Shake

It was time for a change, yet again. I have moved my journal over to in an effort to make it easier to post new entries. Also, I have a new motive to keep a journal.

I have been struggling with my weight. Yesterday I hit an all-time high of 170 lbs. So I have started the Slim-Fast diet, which I had used with a small degree of success in my early 20's. In addition to the valuable tools they provide for free on their web site, I have decided to keep track of my weight, eating habits and moods through this journal.

Of course, you will still hear lots of mushy stuff about Bella, my beautiful girlfriend of more than 14 months, and my pets. You'll probably read occasional grumblings about my family and work, too.

Miss the old journal? You can still find it HERE. However, it will no longer be updated.

Please feel free to email me with your comments, support and ideas. You are all the foundation of my life.... Thanks for that.