Sunday, November 23, 2003

Kindness of Strangers

Mood: Hopeful

Bella and I were walking out of a 7-11 (I needed to use their ATM), and on our way to the nearby Alberto's a black man (I only mention his race because it plays a role in the point I will make in a moment) passed us as he was headed into the 7-11. Being the nice guy that I am, I smiled at the man as I made eye contact. After we passed, the man had stopped in the open door and proclaimed: "That's the perfect couple!" I looked back to verify that he was referring to us, and he was. I beamed back at the kind man as my way of saying thank you. I asked Bella if she had heard what the man said, and she hadn't, so I told her. Of course, she was as thrilled as I was. We talked about it for several minutes afterward, and the effect of the man's kindness lingered for hours.

This comment from a perfect stranger had a profound effect on me. Aside from making my day, this kind man gave me faith in humanity. It thrills me to no end when people of different races can look beyond their differences and be kind to one another. And this man went out of his way to make a very kind comment.

I only wish I could have properly thanked the kind man. But when the Karmic wheel next turns for him, his kindness will be repaid many times over.


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