Monday, January 12, 2004

Still Here

Mood: Frustrated

So the plan was to go register for that class. I deposited the money for it last night, and the deposit is still pending. I will have to wait for the deposit to go through before I can register. That SHOULD be tomorrow. At any rate, if I register any time this week, classes start next week. So there's no real deadline or anything.

In the meantime, I will get some sales emails sent out, and tonight my brother, Eric, is going to take me for an eye exam.

I'm a bit disappointed that I haven't had any responses to those sales letters I mailed out last week. But the deadline for the special offer is the 16th, so there's still time. If I could just get ONE order, I would be happy. Anything above and beyond that will be fantastic....

I am going to be contacting St. Catherine's of Alexandria about designing and hosting their web site. Father David mentioned yesterday that they would like a church member to assist them with their web page. Though this suggests that pay wouldn't be involved, I am going to see if I can at least get some ad space in the church bulletin. If all else fails, I can just place an ad prominently on the site.

I have gotten back into freelance editing. I already have one writer that I am working with, and I have another writer that is very interested. I have opted to discontinue any pursuit of a career as a literary agent so I can start editing again. (I did freelance editing years ago and stopped when I moved to Illinois.) Though I don't see making a full-time income as an editor, it will provide me with some extra cash.

Well, I'm going to go hop in the shower, after which I will sit down and start sending out sales emails.

Oh, and I promise: NO MORE POSTS TODAY! ;)


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