Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Lazy Morning No. 2

Mood: Blah / Lazy
Last ate: Multi-Vitamin and a Garlic Tablet Washed Down With Milk

I purposefully got up a half-hour early so I could have another lazy morning. I briefly considered using that extra 30 minutes to walk down and have a donut for breakfast... but I'm too lazy, even for that! Instead of having breakfast, I'm on the 'net. Don't worry, I'm taking a meal bar (my last) with me to school, in addition to my lunch.

Anyway, I must apologize for all the emails you may have received yesterday. I discovered that any time I publish changes to the site (it doesn't even have to be a new blog entry), it automatically sends out the last entry. So in the future I will try to keep these to a minimum. Just know that if you receive a duplicate email, chances are something has changed on the site, other than a new post.

In fact, you will see that quite a few changes were made. I am actually quite excited about some of them, such as the Memorable Entries section and the Quick Searches feature. (With the latter, you can now quickly find all entries about Bella or Ibby. I will be adding more as the need/desire arises.) So please, check out the site, in addition to reading these entries.

I had Placebo's "Burger Queen" on infinite repeat earlier, and now Bjork's "Hyper-Ballad". Two fabulous songs.

Eeewww... I forgot taking vitamins on an empty stomach makes me slightly nauseous. (What a funny spelling that word has!)

Well, I better wrap things up. I want to meditate/vegetate for a few minutes before I have to leave at 8....


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