Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Can't Find the Words

Mood: tired

Though I have several story ideas bouncing around in my head, I haven't found enough words to get started on anything. I really miss writing. But I have little time to devote to it, so it just doesn't get done. In the old days, I could set aside a few hours to sit down, waiting patiently for something to come out. I just have too many things going on right now to be able to do that.

That's the nice thing about this here blog. I can still hone my writing abilities while I wait for the stories to burst out in a creative explosion. Wil Wheaton's blog has given me a lot of inspiration, as did his three-book deal. But I'm not looking that far ahead right now.

I need to concentrate on:
  1. Bella, always Bella

  2. school--I'm just about half-way done already

  3. at the very least maintaining my business

  4. finding a job

  5. learning to drive

Notice neither my writing nor my music fit in there. Yet. There will be time for them again soon enough.

Oh, I'm nearly done with The Dangerous Passion. It hasn't helped me nearly as much at coming to terms with my jealousy as I thought it would. In fact, in some ways, it did more harm than good. I would go so far as to say that it brought out a bit of the misanthrope in me that has been put safely away deep within my soul ever since Bella came into my life. (Before her, I openly called myself a misanthrope; I was even proud of that fact.) But then I remind myself that Bella and I are not statistics. What Bella and I have is truly a blessing from God.

The book does conclude that jealousy--for the most part--is a healthy and beneficial emotion. I certainly can't say it's been a waste of time reading it. It's been a quick, mostly enjoyable, and very informative read.

Well, I need to get a little work done before Bella calls. Sorry about my verbosity tonight.

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