Thursday, August 26, 2004

Better Idea?

Mood: tired, but in a good way

Whew! Just rode my bike home from work. Most of the way was pretty easy, lots of coasting. But that last bit, up Pierce, is always painful, though it doesn't look menacing in the least. I did pretty well, though. I'm proud of myself. Took a much-needed cold drink at the water fountain graciously provided at the SDA church.

Anyway, I'm thinking I should just break down and have Daryl download the file for me. I really don't feel like spending 58 hours downloading. (And that would just be the trial version!) I may have Bella take me to Best Buy to take a look at the boxed edition.

Speaking of Bella--my beautiful Bella!--we've talked about her adding a line on to her wireless account and then we could split the costs. My phone is having major problems--turning itself off randomly, not to mention the 25/10 cents per minute deal isn't as great as I first thought. I rarely use enough minutes to get to the 10 cents per minute rate. So maybe we can go see what kind of a deal we could get.

Anyway, I need to take a shower so I will be fresh-and-clean for Bella. Meanwhile, just for the heck of it, I will continue the Linux download....

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