Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Thought for the Day

Mood: philosophical

"We're only human if we act like humans." This statement of mine came in a discussion with my brother, Daryl, of how taggers tagging their territory is no different than animals marking theirs. Daryl has noticed--and I must agree--that there is a marked increase in graffiti in places where it hasn't been in the past. A good example of this is when Bella pointed out, with much dismay, the graffiti on the Barnes & Noble. What would be a good punishment for graffiti?

I've been reading the paper a lot lately, and today there was an article I wanted to comment on. It was about this 87 year old man who drove his car into the rear-end of another car, proceeded to drive around the car, and then plowed through a farmer's market, killing 10 people and injuring 63 more. He just recently had a preliminary hearing in which his defense blamed the "accident" on various health problems the man has. This makes me wonder:

  1. What "condition" of his caused him to ignore the original accident?

  2. Should someone in poor health be allowed to drive?

  3. Shouldn't there be an upper age limit for driving, where we say it is no longer safe for people to drive after a certain age?

I am very happy with my recent purchases of Steve Miller Band's Young Hearts: Complete Greatest Hits and Marilyn Manson's Lest We Forget: The Best Of. An odd mix, I know. But that's me!

I am feeling pretty good right now. I've even just remembered that I forgot to take my medicine. That's how good I'm feeling!

Did I mention I now have a CD burner that works with Linux? Yup, burning shall commence shortly....

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