Tuesday, November 23, 2004

A Lose-Lose Thanksgiving

Mood: disappointed

Not unlike last year, I am now confronted with the dilemma of choosing to have Thanksgiving dinner with my family or Bella. Once again, my idea of changing the time we eat dinner has been shot down. It wasn't worth arguing the point, though there can be no valid reason for not changing it to accommodate Bella. So here are my choices:

  1. eat dinner with my family and be miserable without Bella

  2. eat dinner with Bella and her family and possibly upset my family

  3. not eat with either family

I'm certainly not going to pass my problem and force her to choose; I would never do that and neither would she. She's basically said that it would be okay if I chose to eat with my family.

I hate that I'm forced into choosing between my family and my Bella. After thinking about it long and hard, I've decided that what I am most thankful for is Bella. She has done so much for me this past year, we've been through so much.

Isn't Thanksgiving about giving thanks? How can I give thanks without Bella? I am so thankful for her.

Of course, I love my family, and I am thankful for them as well. That's why this is a dilemma. But in a lose-lose situation, I have to go with what will make me more happy. I never want to spend another Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner without her. I shouldn't have to.

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