Friday, November 11, 2005

The Inevitable Return of Lucky Tourist

Mood: thrilled
Today's Plan: work out with Bella [complete]

I am thrilled for two reasons:
  1. I got to work out with Bella today, and

  2. after a long musical hiatus, I am making music again!
Yes, it's true. The other night I composed a song on my Alesis QS6 and Alesis MMT-8. The two work nicely for computerless composing, though the MMT-8 is better known for its live performance capabilities.

I banged out a new tune called "Root of All Rhythms". It will most likely be the title track for my next CD and perfectly describes the new sound by which I am inspired. It is a much more percussion-based sound, as I am fascinated by the musical possibilities of drums and other percussion devices.

Well, I will definitely be writing more about this later. Right now, I think I have to take Bella to an appointment.

Oh, and as just a teaser, I will be creating a page for the rebirth of Lucky Tourist. I understand they have some music-related features on their web site. So watch for the official announcement in the coming days.

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