Monday, March 20, 2006

Bertram's Probation

Mood: pissed

I can't take it any more! Bertram has now ruined the power cord for my Gamecube. So, until he proves he has stopped this behavior:
  1. At night, he will be locked in his carrier.

  2. While I'm gone, he'll be locked in the bedroom.

  3. He will only have access to the whole apartment under full supervision.

Honestly, when I discovered he had ruined yet another cord, I began to doubt his place in our home. That may seem harsh, but this cat has some serious problems. I was willing to accept said problems so long as he wasn't destroying things. But now? I don't know. I'm going to have to have a serious talk with Bella. I think Bertram's problems are well beyond "bitter apple" or cord protectors. (See previous post.)

Don't worry. Really, I'm just venting. But serious action is required. This will not continue.

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