Thursday, December 18, 2003

I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For

Mood: Discouraged But Hopeful
Last ate: Cup-o-Noodles and a Cup-o-Mocha

It is becoming apparent that if I intend to get a job in Graphic Design, I will need to learn more of the industry standard programs. This was decided when I had my interview at Inland Printworks. My old boss was glad to see me after 12 years, but decided I just didn't know enough of the programs that they use; he wasn't prepared to take the time to train me in them. He did say, however, that when I learned them I could come back for another interview.

So I mentioned this need to learn these programs to Bella. Most beautiful of beautiful creatures... she, yet again, pointed me in the right direction. She told me about the Educational Options Center where her brother had taken a Graphic Arts class. Well, not only is it cheap ($95 for six months), but it teaches all the programs I would need to learn. Better still, it's a very informal class, self-paced, attend-at-will. It doesn't get much better than that! I just wish I had known about the school years ago....

Because of this, I feel more at ease with what the future holds for me. With an improved skillset, my job options should open up dramatically.

But in the meantime, money is almost non-existent. I REALLY need to get a job... ANY job at this point. Shoot, I'm thinking of looking into telemarketing. That's how desperate I am! I just need to get some money rolling in, preferably in large wads.

On the family side of things, everything has seemed to settle down. I think we're even reconnecting a bit as a family. As usual, I'm not sure what the plans are for Christmas. I hope things work out better than they did for Thanksgiving.

Well, it's back to the job search now.