Tuesday, December 23, 2003


At last! A new look for my blog. No more generic, Blogger-default layout. Let me know what you think.

I'm tired and Bella should be calling soon, so I'll have to write more later....


Monday, December 22, 2003

Mac-in' Again

Mood: Thankful
Last ate: Orange Spice Tea

Bella had an old Macintosh boxed away that she said I could use if I wanted to. I took her up on the offer. Got it set up today and have been toying with it off and on. It's an old one, alright! It has 96mb RAM and a 1gb hard drive. Has lots of cool games, and a few useful applications (including Photoshop 5.5 and Illustrator 6.0). More than anything, I just want to brush up my Mac skills. There are a lot of Bella's old files, so I'm going to back them up in the event that she wants any of them. It's kind of fun Mac-in' again....

I am going to be working on a new layout for my journal. I may tweak my old "Thinking Out Loud" layout to be used with Blogger. I really liked that layout....

I have some major secret business to do for Bella before Christmas. I'll have to spend a good portion of tomorrow, maybe even some late hours tonight, working on it.

In the meantime, I'm downloading some songs for her brother....