Saturday, May 15, 2004

Stella, an Indoor Cat?!? Hell, No!

Mood: missing Bella

This article is complete rubbish! Outdoor domestic cats are in no way endangering wildlife populations. Besides, as the author herself even points out, it's darn near impossible to keep an outdoor cat indoors. After being inside for a while, Stella needs to go out; she gets quite frantic if I don't let her out.

Now, by all means, if you are raising a kitten, it is in its best interest to train it to be an indoor cat. But an adopted stray is another story entirely!

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Comments Again?

So Blogger now has a built-in comments feature. I will be turning it on for select posts. Like this one. Usually I will reserve this feature for posts that warrant comments. Hehe.... is STILL Porn

Mood: even more frustrated

So when I was still at school I checked on the original computer I was using and it, too, says that is porn. They must have installed some new content control software or something. But the question remains: how did get classified as porn?!? Oddly enough, Wil Wheaton's site, which does have links to porn on it, can be accessed just fine. Go figure. Just to stick it to the man, I should add some porn links!

I can't wait to finish QuarkXpress. I'm just not into it. So I want to go through the motions of learning it and be done with it. For my own personal knowledge, I only want to learn enough to be able to design a newsletter or maybe a book. (I'm still wanting to publish a little herbal newsletter.)

I never realized how strong my passion for web design is, compared to design for print. If at all possible, I'm going to see if I can get a job in web design. But I do need to keep my options open. is Porn!

Mood: frustrated

I tried to access my web site just now and the school network has it blocked as PORN! How in the world did that happen?!? (It worked fine on the other computer I was using....)

Utterly ridiculous, yet amusing.

AudBlogging Again!

this is an audio post - click to play

In my excitement that AudBlog is now free, I made this somewhat confused, but entirely entertaining audio post. Take a listen!

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

QuarkXpress Blues

Mood: blah

With Dreamweaver, I often found myself sitting here enjoying every morsel of what I was learning, eating it all up like cheesecake. Shoot, I regularly caught myself smiling as I was enjoying it so much.

So far, that's not the case with QuarkXpress. I am actually having a hard time keeping my attention focused on the current lesson. Although I am flying through it, I can't say I'm enjoying it. It seems technical, not very creative. I daresay I'm a bit bored with it. But once again, it is critical for me to know this program if I expect to get a job in graphic design.

Ah, well... time to go home!

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

I can now post with my cell phone! Nice.


I guess my teacher decided I didn't need to do the final for DreamWeaver; I've started QuarkXpress. It looks like it's going to be the most technical program out of the four covered in this class. Though my interest lies more in the realm of web design, learning Quark, which focuses on print design, will be critical for getting a job in graphic design. So here I am!

I'm basically finished for the day. I got to a good stopping point, and now I'm just screwing around. But I had to be moved to a new computer that had Quark installed, and this one has Internet searching blocked. Egads! Damn school network....

Monday, May 10, 2004

Imminent Proposal

I need to stop teasing Bella about the "imminent proposal" being when she least expects it. In my joking tonight, she misunderstood my poorly thought out joke as a forthcoming hint of the proposal. I told her it was a joke, and apologized profusely. But I did make it clear to her that the proposal is indeed imminent. Oh, it will happen. That I guarantee. There's no way I'm letting this girl go! She truly is the most amazing person I know. Anyone would be extremely lucky to have her as a girlfriend. But I'm the lucky one. For once in my life--when it matters most--I'm the lucky one. Wow! Go figure.

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Binary Clock

Mood: devastated

The makers of the binary clock I mentioned in my previous entry weren't interested in improving their site, so I'm forced to buy one if I want it. And I do want it. So I will have to buy one at the NPR web site. I could actually get it slightly cheaper at other web sites, but I might as well support NPR while I'm at it. In the meantime, I'm using this virtual version. Ho hum....