Saturday, November 01, 2003


Mood: Slightly Ill
Weight: Don't Wanna Know
Last ate: Slim-Fast Rich Chocolate Royale Shake

Woke up feeling not quite right in the stomach. Don't know if it was the candy I ate yesterday (I really didn't have that much), or maybe the food at Alberto's. Feeling a little better now, but not 100%.

Yesterday didn't even seem like Halloween to me. I didn't even dress up. Well, I did dress in all black. (I told Bella, jokingly, that if anyone asked, I was dressed as Johnny Cash, the man in black.)

I'm getting huge amounts of spam. I may have to change my email addresses. What a pain!


Friday, October 31, 2003

Breakfast Tea... In a Bowl

Mood: Excited
Weight: 159
Last ate: Orange Spice Malt-o-Meal

No, it's not a new brand of Malt-o-Meal. Yours truly made a bowl of Malt-o-Meal using orange spice tea rather than water or milk. WOW! Lemme just tell you this may be the best bowl of Malt-o-Meal I've ever eaten. As you may know, Malt-o-Meal is very bland if not fixed correctly. Well, my solution for that has always been a little milk, lots of brown sugar, and a glob of butter. Not the best thing for a diet.

Thinking of cooking with tea lately, and wondering how I could make Malt-o-Meal taste better, I decided to try making it with tea, rather than my usual half water/half milk. Yesterday, I made it with chamomile tea. Absolutely delightful! Today, I decided to try something a little more bold, so I went with the orange spice. Next time? Maybe the ginger peach. With the slew of tea I have, the possibilities are truly endless.

It must be said that I am not the biggest fan of fruity teas. But now there is a legit purpose for them! How exciting is that?!?

Last night, Bella and I went out to eat with a friend of hers. It was very pleasant, even with all of the teacher-talk. (They're both teachers.) Then, Bella and I went browsing around the mall... something we haven't done in a long time. I saw so many things I wanted, and all fairly cheap! The best was this little, single-serving teapot, complete with warmer. (When I explained how it worked to Bella, it dawned on her why a tea light is called a TEA light.) The regular price of $15 was more than fair (especially considering it was at Bombay), but it was on sale for $12! Unfortunately, I was completely broke at the time. I guess I could always wait and see what I get for Christmas, but there's a lot of tea-brewing time between now and then.

After we got back to my place, and we both checked our email, Bella fell soundly asleep, feet in my lap, for over an hour. To entertain myself, I switched between watching Bella make funny faces in her sleep, watching Stella watch Bella, and reading the phone book. How exciting is that?!? ;)

Oh, my! This is a long entry. I better stop before I receive hatemail....


Thursday, October 30, 2003

Morning Cup of Coffee

Mood: Looking Forward to Seeing Bella
Weight: 159
Last ate: Coffee and Chicory

So I was planning on lounging for another hour before getting up, but then I thought of my coffee. So I got up at 7 instead of 8. I'm giving myself until 8 to take care of personal emails, etc. Then I must take care of the birds and my plants. Finally, hopefully by 8:30, I will be able to sit down and send out some sales emails. Once again, I am going to dedicate the morning to sales. I think this is the best...

[You may be wondering why the break in my thought and why this isn't being posted until nearly 9. Well, Gran decided she needed to use the phone. So I went ahead and took care of the birds, letting Ibby take a good, long bath. Still need to take care of the plants. Now back to my regularly scheduled journal entry....]

... plan of action, as I need to work seriously on sales EVERY DAY. I'm thinking of calling local businesses to get some local sales going. It will necessarily be a soft-sell technique. I will basically be asking if they have a web site; if so, what is it; if not, can I send them some further information in the mail.

Anyway, I'm sure this is all very exciting for you, dear reader.

Oh, I am in the very early stages of working on a collection of short stories about birds and life. I am pretty excited about it. Watching Adaptation., it struck me that one must write about something about which one feels passionate. I have no greater passion in life than birds. (Don't worry, I consider Bella a sort of bird. She is the most angelic of all birds. She soared into my life, gave me wings, and now we fly together forever and ever... Amen.) I will have to set aside a day for writing.

But now, I have to have a little breakfast and get started on work....


Wednesday, October 29, 2003

For the Love of Guava

I finally found some pictures that capture the beauty of the Chilean Guava:


Tea Quote

"In my own hands I hold a bowl of tea; I see all of nature represented in its green color. Closing my eyes I find green mountains and pure water within my own heart. Silently, sitting alone, drinking tea, I feel these become part of me. Sharing this bowl of tea with others, they, too, become one with it and nature." --Soshitsu Sen XV


Coffee & Life

Mood: Pleased with Life
Weight: 159
Last ate: Drinking French Market Coffee & Chicory
Listening to: The Suit and Tie Guy Band's You're So Nice... It's Raining Death

Rich people are funny. Gran knows this rich family that throws things away after a few uses. They gave her a box of things that they were just going to throw out. So she asks me what this little appliance is and I tell her it's a single-serving coffee maker. I guess I seemed a bit excited, because she offered it to me and I graciously accepted.

This morning, first thing, I went to Stater Bros. to get some coffee. I had a really cheap brand of coffee already in my cart when I saw this French Market "New Orleans Famous" Coffee and Chicory. It was nearly twice as much as the one I had previously selected... but chicory! I felt that was worth the extra cost. Chicory, you see, has medicinal uses, including a digestive, diuretic and tonic. And as the can touts: "... coffee with chicory is common throughout Europe, producing a stronger, darker, less bitter brew with less caffeine than pure coffee." And as you may or may not know, "caffeine makes me nervous". (My aunt Betty once said that, and I've taken it as my own words.)

So as soon as I got home I brewed my cup of coffee. The instructions for the coffee say that it is so strong that you can use 1/3 to 1/2 of the amount you normally would. But it is much less bitter, so I think I might enjoy a full-strength serving. Perhaps best of all, I used about half as much cream and sugar as I usually do. (I used to be a double-cream-double-sugar guy.) I am very pleased with it and must highly recommend it.

I decided I was in need of a new mug that I could dedicate to my coffee (so as not to taint my tea). So I was looking at the 99¢ mugs and found this white and blue, spackley/drippy, modern-artsy looking one with the silhouette of a rabbit. I instantly thought of Bella, a wood rabbit in Chinese astrology, so I snatched it up. Now, in addition to calling her Wood Rabbit, I can call her Blue Rabbit. I know she'll like that.

Lately I have really been into my friend's album. In particular, I've been listening to his The Suit & Tie Guy Band's You're So Nice... It's Raining Death. It's an awesome album, with a little bit of everything: improv jazz, jam rock, trance, ambient.... Check out his site and the free downloads!

Lastly, I updated I felt it needed a facelift to be more competitive in the marketplace. (Shhh.... It also allows me to raise my rates a bit.) There's still a little work to do on it, but it's mostly complete.

I better eat something. Here it is noon and I haven't had breakfast yet....


Sunday, October 26, 2003


Mood: Lethargic
Weight: 160 (Again!)
Last ate: Slim-Fast Rich Chocolate Royale Shake

I was so excited about the time change that I stayed up WAY too late. I think I lost any benefits of a "gained hour".

Numerous wildfires are polluting the air. Ash is falling from the sky. Where did I put my gasmask?!?

On the way to do some research at the UCR library with Bella, we stopped at the UCR Botanic Gardens fall plant sale. I was looking at the herbs, but ended up getting a Chilean Guava. There happened to be a berry in the bottom of the pot for me to sample... MMMMMMMM! You can eat it plain or make a jam, jelly or syrup out of it. (Maybe muffins, too?) WHAT A FIND!

My weight keeps hovering around 159/160. I need to be more diligent with my diet. Been slacking a little bit.

Well, I better get dressed. It's off to church I go....

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