Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Where Does Time Go?

Mood: pleasantly full
Weight: 175

I really need to start blogging on a regular basis again! I've posted maybe twice in the last month. But it seems like I only use my computer for music now, whether listening to it or downloading it (from the blessed Russians).

Well, as you can see, my weight has gotten out of hand. This is the most I've ever weighed. And the sad thing is I've been on my new diet since the 1st and I haven't lost any weight. Well, I did, but I gained it back. That late night PB & J didn't help, that's for sure. Well, I'll be more careful in the future.

I haven't gotten around to taking the behind-the-wheel driving test yet. I'm really not putting it off; I've just been distracted by other things. But I am going to probably schedule it for a week from Friday.

Bella and I had a very nice Christmas! She got me a GameCube!!! This girl rocks... she really loves me! And I think no other woman in the world can give me what she does. I love her brilliantly.

Well, I shall try to post more often again. Now that the distraction of the holidays is over, that should be much easier. But I still wonder where time goes. It seems like I have so little of it.