Mood: Disgusted
Last ate: Two Veggie Corndogs with Barbecue Ranch Dressing (Mmmm....)
I usually refrain from political commentary, but this is just ridiculous: Bush intends to spend $1.5 billion of taxpayer money to offer marriage counseling for "traditional" marriages, hoping to put an end to same-sex marriage. According to the poll on AOL, nearly 70% of the people polled felt it would not help. However, only a little over 50% think same-sex marriage should be legal. (Unfortunately, I don't have a link for this story, as I couldn't find a link to it outside of AOL.)
I, for one, am for same-sex marriage, though with some reservations. My main concern is that these same-sex couples will want to raise children. A same-sex marriage is far from the best environment for a child. Some would argue that even most traditional marriages are not ideal for a child (i.e. abuse, neglect, etc.). I see that as a valid point, however, I feel a traditional marriage at least has the opportunity to be an ideal situation for child-rearing. A child raised by a same-sex couple is sure to face ridicule, not to mention the Freudian effects of not having a male
and female role-model. (I am a big believer in Freud's theory that father and mother figures are both extremely important to the formation of a healthy human being.)
Also, when discussing same-sex couples raising children, it is generally assumed that the same-sex couple is an ideal one. But in reality, a same-sex marriage has just as much potential to be prone to abuse, neglect, etc.
These points aside, I would never say that a same-sex couple should not be allowed to raise a child. I just think it is important for said couples to be especially cautious and even more well-prepared than a traditional couple.
Meanwhile, on to something else....
Windows Media Player 9 does indeed have a Windows 98-compatible version. I am in the process of downloading it, so legit downloading shall ensue....