Friday, July 30, 2004

Lord of the (Fruit) Flies

Mood: tired

When I should have / could have / would have been relaxing before work at 3PM, I've instead spent a good deal of the morning battling vast numbers of fruit flies to no avail. I tried blowing them out the doors, vacuuming them with my little electric sweeper-type vac, spraying them with various chemicals.... There are so many, nothing seems to work. I did successfully raid their "nests", destroying hundreds of eggs. But that, dear reader, was the limit to my success.

This whole fruit fly infestation started because of one spoiled peach (long since been removed) that was left in the fruit dish. They're going after the ripening bananas now, so the fruit dish, fruit included, has been banished to outside.

I did get some downloading done (Supergrass and Yello), managed to do a load of laundry, and took care of the birds, cat and tadpole. But I still have to take a shower and have some lunch before leaving at 1:25PM. (The next bus would get me there just a few minutes late, so I have to leave super early. UGH!)

Anyway, this long blog entry isn't helping matters. G'bye!

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

God's Blog

It occurs to me that the last two entries mentioned God in their titles. Come to think of it, so does this one.

Does God talk about the weather in his blog?

Sunday, July 25, 2004

God Bless the Russians

Mood: thrilled

Thanks to the Russians, I am able to download albums that I have lost due to hard drive crashes (there have been TWO) at a rate of a mere nickel per song! Also, big thanks to Daryl for telling me about the wonderful Russians, and my dear sweet Bella for saving me hours of download time by using her computer. I have many more albums I need to download yet, of course, but I've had a good start.