Tuesday, September 14, 2004

The Distraction of 32

Mood: disgusted with myself

I am very disgusted with myself, and I only have the distraction of turning 32 to use as an excuse for what I've done. I totally forgot to pay my credit card bill! Now huge sums of fees will be the result. And somehow my checking account is slightly overdrawn, though it looks like the bank hasn't charged me an overdraft fee. (God bless NetBank!) Just when I thought I was getting stabilized financially....

In other news, my birthday was nice. I spent it with Bella and my family... after work, that is. I got some nice gifts, most of which were books I had in my hold pile at work, so I have some excellent reading ahead of me. Bella and I will be having our own little celebration tomorrow when she takes me out to eat. I still don't know where I want to go, but most likely it will be the Old Spaghetti Factory. That's always been a special place for us, and quite a bargain.

I'm feeling extremely restless and very blah, so I'm going to go do something. I need to get my mind off of financial matters.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

On the Eve of My 32nd Birthday

Mood: relieved

On this, the eve of my 32nd birthday, I could have been very, very depressed. You see, I had some sort of idea where I should be--what I should have--in my life by this age. If things had gone as a young, optimistic man of 18 had imagined, I would be married and have a couple kids by now. But the older me, for the most part, is glad that I am heading down this road much later than anticipated.

For you see, though I even now think I should be further along in life--in status, not age--I am quite content. I have been with the one person in the world who makes me happiest for over two years now. A wedding is in the not-too-distant future. Kids may or may not be part of the plan now, but for the mostpart I am on my way to where I have always wanted to be. Sure, I may be a bit delayed in my arrival, but that will only make it sweeter.

I will be spending my birthday working. Don't worry, I planned it that way, though it wasn't Plan A. But seeing as my birthday had the audacity to fall on a Monday, I have paperwork that needs to get done, and I'm the only one to do it. But my day will be shorter than usual so I can enjoy an evening with my family. Nothing major is planned. Just hanging out at my mom's house. But seeing as that is a rarity now, I think I'll rather enjoy it.

If you happen to notice a certain air of dignity in my written voice, it's because I've been watching Manor House on PBS. The truth be told, I'd love to have been a butler. (Wouldn't mind being one now!) They actually wielded considerable power in the household. But I think you have to be "mature" to be a butler. Maybe in 20 years?

Well, I'm off to enjoy the now rare event of atttending church with Bella. Being understaffed at work, I end up picking up the slack, often not having more than one day off per week.