Thursday, May 13, 2004 is STILL Porn

Mood: even more frustrated

So when I was still at school I checked on the original computer I was using and it, too, says that is porn. They must have installed some new content control software or something. But the question remains: how did get classified as porn?!? Oddly enough, Wil Wheaton's site, which does have links to porn on it, can be accessed just fine. Go figure. Just to stick it to the man, I should add some porn links!

I can't wait to finish QuarkXpress. I'm just not into it. So I want to go through the motions of learning it and be done with it. For my own personal knowledge, I only want to learn enough to be able to design a newsletter or maybe a book. (I'm still wanting to publish a little herbal newsletter.)

I never realized how strong my passion for web design is, compared to design for print. If at all possible, I'm going to see if I can get a job in web design. But I do need to keep my options open.

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