Sunday, September 12, 2004

On the Eve of My 32nd Birthday

Mood: relieved

On this, the eve of my 32nd birthday, I could have been very, very depressed. You see, I had some sort of idea where I should be--what I should have--in my life by this age. If things had gone as a young, optimistic man of 18 had imagined, I would be married and have a couple kids by now. But the older me, for the most part, is glad that I am heading down this road much later than anticipated.

For you see, though I even now think I should be further along in life--in status, not age--I am quite content. I have been with the one person in the world who makes me happiest for over two years now. A wedding is in the not-too-distant future. Kids may or may not be part of the plan now, but for the mostpart I am on my way to where I have always wanted to be. Sure, I may be a bit delayed in my arrival, but that will only make it sweeter.

I will be spending my birthday working. Don't worry, I planned it that way, though it wasn't Plan A. But seeing as my birthday had the audacity to fall on a Monday, I have paperwork that needs to get done, and I'm the only one to do it. But my day will be shorter than usual so I can enjoy an evening with my family. Nothing major is planned. Just hanging out at my mom's house. But seeing as that is a rarity now, I think I'll rather enjoy it.

If you happen to notice a certain air of dignity in my written voice, it's because I've been watching Manor House on PBS. The truth be told, I'd love to have been a butler. (Wouldn't mind being one now!) They actually wielded considerable power in the household. But I think you have to be "mature" to be a butler. Maybe in 20 years?

Well, I'm off to enjoy the now rare event of atttending church with Bella. Being understaffed at work, I end up picking up the slack, often not having more than one day off per week.

1 comment:

carrster said...

Just gotta say - Virgos ROCK. Happy (belated) birthday. :-)