Friday, October 22, 2004

(Written) Driving Test, Part 1

Mood: relieved/eager

I am going to go take my written driving test today. I haven't really studied as much as I should have, but oh well. A good deal of my study time was taken up by trying to find my birth certificate. There was a real scare there for a while when I didn't find it in the "barn" (i.e. shed). That's where a lot of my stuff from Illinois is packed away. But then I deduced that I must have used it since I have been living with Gran; the address on my photo ID is 11657 not 11659. So it was safe to assume that it was somewhere here in the house, most likely in the office. Feeling overwhelmed looking through the mess, something told me to look in my "file" (i.e. a cardboard box with manila folders standing up in it in some sort of orderly fashion) and sure enough, there was a folder marked "Birth Certificate". I guess I can be organized sometimes....

So now I must take a shower and be off to the races. Erm, test, I mean.

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