Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Mood: greedy

Sirius Satellite Radio has become a sort of guilty pleasure. I bought a second receiver, so I can have one at home and one in the car. It has become one of my favorite forms of entertainment. I highly recommend it.

The new receiver is much better than my old one. The controls are better placed for use in the car, and the display will be easier to read at a glance. Also, it has six more presets, for a total of 36, so I don't have to be quite so selective. (It's funny, but I just discovered that my old receiver has 30 presets, not just 25. Now I get to add a few more presets for here at home, too!)

Of course, this guilty pleasure must come with a sacrifice so I won't feel too guilty. So I am going to cancel a website I was holding onto. (I had intended to do something with it, but at this point, I just don't have the time or energy to dedicate to it, anyway.)

Oh, this morning I had a scare with the remote for my old receiver. I had the remote in one hand and a cup of orange juice (I'm battling the flu) in the other. I was in midstep when Bertram attacked my raised foot. In trying to pull away from him as well as keep myself from falling while not stepping on Bertram, I managed to drop the remote and slosh the orange juice. Well, remotes and orange juice were never meant to be used in conjunction, so I thought I killed my remote when it went haywire for about an hour. After cleaning it up and letting it sit battery-less for a half-hour or so, I decided to check it one last time. I put the battery in and what do you know? It worked. I was very happy, since a replacement remote costs nearly as much as a complete system!

Well, off I go to add some presets to my radio. Fun times, even at this hour.

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