Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Post Exam Blues

Mood: disappointed

First of all, as I mentioned in my post exam audio entry, I feel pretty good about how I did on the test. And yet I can't help feeling like I wasted my time. I know just the opposite is true, but the idea of sitting around for three months not even knowing how I did isn't sitting well with me.

I guess I had built up this fantasy that the Postal Service would save me from a hellish Christmas season at Prints Plus. Now I know there's not even a shadow of a hope for that. Hell, I'll be lucky to get an interview by March!

I'm really disappointed it's going to take so long--can't ya tell?--but I'm just going to have to forget I even took the test. Then, if and when I hear something, it will be a pleasant surprise.

In the meantime, I will be looking at other opportunities. I can't place all my bets on getting a job with the USPS. At least, not any time soon.

Speaking of bets, I bet ya a year passes before I'm ever hired. But back to my optimistic self, I will get a job with the United States Postal Service. Time--perhaps quite a lot of it--will prove me right.

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