Monday, January 09, 2006

Wedding Prep

Mood: blah

Bella and I have finally got going on the wedding prep again. We have:

1. ordered the wedding cake,

2. finished the wedding prep survey again (the church lost it the first time),

3. had our engagement pictures taken (you're gonna love 'em!),

4. ordered our invitations, and

5. selected our honeymoon location (to be announced).

This, of course, is not my reason for feeling "blah". Neither is this. No, I'm just not very happy with my job right now, moreso than usual. Bella thinks I should get back into web design as a side project. I'm not sure that would make me happy. I am considering selling Watkins, or maybe just getting a second, part-time job. But Bella thinks I would be better off working for myself on the side--and thus setting my own schedule--rather than adding a second job. But we'll see what happens.

Now, I think I'm going to take a nap.

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