Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Up & At It!

Mood: Working

I'm staying home from school today, assuming Teddie won't be there. Without her there, I am pretty much on my own, so I figure I can be on my own at home. Besides, I have work I need to do.

I actually got up early this morning. For the first time in days, I didn't wake up worrying about money. A lot of interest has been shown in my business lately. I've decided it's the combination of promotion methods that is doing the trick. Between the Google ad campaign, my sales emails, and most recently the eBay auction, there is a steady stream of prospects. A surprising number of them are expressing interest in higher dollar design packages, which is exciting. But I'm still waiting for any of them to send me money.

At any rate, it's all very encouraging. Now, back to work....


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