Thursday, October 30, 2003

Morning Cup of Coffee

Mood: Looking Forward to Seeing Bella
Weight: 159
Last ate: Coffee and Chicory

So I was planning on lounging for another hour before getting up, but then I thought of my coffee. So I got up at 7 instead of 8. I'm giving myself until 8 to take care of personal emails, etc. Then I must take care of the birds and my plants. Finally, hopefully by 8:30, I will be able to sit down and send out some sales emails. Once again, I am going to dedicate the morning to sales. I think this is the best...

[You may be wondering why the break in my thought and why this isn't being posted until nearly 9. Well, Gran decided she needed to use the phone. So I went ahead and took care of the birds, letting Ibby take a good, long bath. Still need to take care of the plants. Now back to my regularly scheduled journal entry....]

... plan of action, as I need to work seriously on sales EVERY DAY. I'm thinking of calling local businesses to get some local sales going. It will necessarily be a soft-sell technique. I will basically be asking if they have a web site; if so, what is it; if not, can I send them some further information in the mail.

Anyway, I'm sure this is all very exciting for you, dear reader.

Oh, I am in the very early stages of working on a collection of short stories about birds and life. I am pretty excited about it. Watching Adaptation., it struck me that one must write about something about which one feels passionate. I have no greater passion in life than birds. (Don't worry, I consider Bella a sort of bird. She is the most angelic of all birds. She soared into my life, gave me wings, and now we fly together forever and ever... Amen.) I will have to set aside a day for writing.

But now, I have to have a little breakfast and get started on work....


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