Monday, October 06, 2003

Sunday Splurge?

Mood: Sad
Weight: 163
Last ate: THREE Slices of Pizza

I was scared to tally my calories for Sunday. I decided to splurge for dinner, as Bella's family was having pizza. Miraculously, I only went over my daily calorie budget by 17! This is only the second time I've gone over my allotted 1,300 calories per day. (The previous time was by a mere 9 calories.) So I'm pretty happy about that. But...

Bella was not feeling well all day today. I feel bad when she's not well. I try to take care of her and support her, but I feel fairly useless in such instances.

We had a nice little talk about religion. I told her some of my concerns about Catholicism. She has her own concerns about it, as well. But she is happy with being a Catholic. I am primarily concerned that if I were to one day become a Catholic, I wouldn't want to dishonor their religion by my not believing 100% of what they believe. There are some things I know I would never feel comfortable with. But are there any Catholics that believe EVERYTHING espoused by their religion? I find it hard to believe that that could be possible. I need to do more research on Catholicism....

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