Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Home Again

Mood: Tired
Last ate: Pasta Casserole (made by Bella!), Green Beans with Almonds, Salad and a Sweet Roll
Word: Callipygian

So I'm home. Something tells me Bella is going to forget that a long time ago I mentioned the last bus drops me off at the Galleria and I proceed to walk home from there. (I walked home from the Galleria--a little over three miles--all the time when I worked at the Game Keeper.) I may get smacked for it. Bella, like me, is a worry wort. Honestly, I need the exercise.

The plan tomorrow is to call AppleOne about that job again and inform them I would be willing to take other types of assignments, as well. (I just need a job!) I really must get some sales emails sent out. I need to get some major editing done on this first manuscript, as the other writer I was talking to about editing will be taking me up on my offer. So I need to spend at least several hours editing.

Thursday, if I don't have an interview or job lined up in the foreseeable future, I will go ahead and register for that class. I would just hate to register for it and then get a job that interferes with my attending classes. Not so much for the classes, but for the money that Bella loaned me. Although, certainly, a job is more important right now. (I still cringe at the thought of "throwing away" $95.)

Well, I need to have a little snack and something warm to drink before going to bed.



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