Monday, March 01, 2004


Mood: Satisfied
Last ate: "fruit on the bottom" blueberry yogurt (just like when I was a kid!)

So I have been shopping around on eBay, now that my PayPal account is partially fixed. I did end up nabbing a $30 Virgin Mobile Top-Up Card for $26.99. (The seller topped up my phone for me already, so I can use my cell phone again.) I also won a pair of dress slacks for $5 plus $4.25 shipping and handling. I treated myself to a DVD for $7.50, and stole a CD for a penny (plus $2.95 shipping). I may try to get another gift card, as well, but there aren't any good ones listed right now.

Now, I need to give my neck a quick trim (the hair on my neck is disgustingly long), take a brief shower, then sit down to get some work done.

Oh yeah, tomorrow, with any luck, I should have CASH again....


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