Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Eggs are Stronger Than They Look

Mood: accomplished

Well, cleaning the living room to make way for the futon has taken the greater part of my morning. I had a path cleared to get the couch out, and I eyed the couch in that special way that eggs eye wisks. Overcoming my fear of what might be hiding under/behind the couch, I tested the weight of it and decided I could move it... all by myself! Bear in mind, it's not just a couch, but an old, heavy, fold out bed-type couch. I decided to remove the cushions and mattress to lighten the load, and it was just enough. I slid the couch over to the doorway, deemed the only way to get it out of the door would be to stand it on end, and I proceeded to walk it out. I am now thoroughly exhausted, but the couch has successfully been placed in the yard. Next, I need to clean where the couch was--it's filthy, but not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. And, best of all, no dead rats!

It's good to know I can move a large piece of furniture by myself, if necessary. But I have no intention of testing my strength again any time soon. Whew!

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